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Number Line Addition

Introduce your students to addition through number line worksheets that provide a visual approach to combining numbers. These activities help learners understand the process of adding by moving along the number line. Use these resources to make abstract concepts concrete and to enhance engagement in math lessons.

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BC Grade 5 Math: Full-Year of Tasks, Games, Projects: 70 Printable Pgs

BC Grade 5 Math: Full-Year of Tasks, Games, Projects: 70 Printable Pgs
Math, Number Lines, Patterns, Time, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Algebra, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Fractions, Geometry, Graphing, Measurements, Division, Place Value, Subtraction, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

Do you need some engaging and fresh lessons for your fifth grade math class? If you want to shake up your grade 5 math program , here is a full-year resource for you! This resource is designed to be used alongside whichever textbook or curriculum your school already uses. These activities will enhance your students' learning by showing them how the skills they are learning from the textbook apply to real-life. Plus, there are quick and easy assessments for you to use to obtain an accurate picture of your students' learning. This 70-page PDF is brimming with ways to apply math to realistic situations (summer road trip, sale prices, perfect day schedule), math centers, and a variety of simple assessments , easy games, and math projects that align with each and every Learning Standard in the British Columbia Math 5 curriculum . 19 Different Topics are Covered: Number Concepts to 1,000,000 Decimals to Thousandths Equivalent Fractions Whole-Number, Fraction, and Decimal Benchmarks Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers to 1,000,000 Multiplication and Division to Three Digits (including division with remainders) Addition and Subtraction of Decimals to Thousandths Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Multiplication and Division Facts to 100 Increasing and Decreasing Patterns One-step Equations with Variables Area Measurement of Squares and Rectangles Relationships Between Area and Perimeter Duration, Using Measurement of Time Classification of Prisms and Pyramids Single Transformations Double Bar Graphs (One-to-One and Many-to-One Correspondence) Probability Experiments, Single Events or Outcomes Financial Literacy Grades to Use With: This is designed for fifth grade math classes in British Columbia, Canada . However, it is full of activities that meet 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade common core standards, so it could easily work in many classrooms! What's Included: 70 Page PDF with 25 Different Activities and Answer Keys (where applicable) If you enjoy this full-year math program, check out my other ones: BC Grade 6 Math BC Grade 7 Math

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Math, Math Games, British Columbia, Math Text, Grade 5 Math, 5th Grade Math, 3rd Grade Math, 4th Grade Math, Full Year, Financial Literacy

Real-Life Integers: Working with Integers & Number Lines Grade 6 Math

Real-Life Integers: Working with Integers & Number Lines Grade 6 Math
Math, Number Lines, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Numbers, Grade 5, 6, 7, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Activities, Worksheets

Integers are everywhere in our lives! Get your students excited about learning about integers including using number lines and finding the difference between integers in a variety of real-life situations. This is perfect for students in grade six who are first learning about rational numbers. Social Media: Up Votes and Down Votes: You will read each statement one at a time to your class. Then ask for upvotes (and count the hands) and ask for downvotes (and count the hands). Remind students they can abstain from voting on a statement if they are ambivalent. If you think it will help your class, have students vote anonymously by putting their heads down. Record the upvotes and downvotes for each of the 10 statements. Students complete the math (which is really adding integers) to get each statement’s final score. (Extension: This activity can lead to a mini-lesson on facts vs. opinions.) Cities: Temperatures and Elevations: Students will need internet access for this activity. They will explore two cities: one with a positive temperature in degrees Celsius and one with a negative temperature in degrees Celsius. Using a number line, they will compare these two temperatures. Then, they must find the elevation (in meters) of six cities around the world to complete three math questions. Sports: Golf and Football: Students will apply adding and subtracting integers to a golf game to calculate the player’s score above or below par. Then, they use integers to calculate if a football team scores a touchdown. (Extension: Students can create their own football scenario. They can choose a starting point, make up 5 plays, and trade with a friend. ) Financial Literacy: Bank Account: Students add and subtract integers to keep a running bank balance in an account with an overdraft. They see how purchases reduce your balance and deposits increase your balance. I have included two versions, one with decimals and one with whole numbers only.

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Integers, Adding Integers, Grade Six Math, Sixth Grade Math, Subtracting Integers, Word Problems, Real-life Math

Beginning Addition and Subtraction Math Book

Beginning Addition and Subtraction Math Book
Math, Number Lines, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Numbers, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

The Beginning Addition and Subtraction Math Book is the perfect printable workbook for your students to practice adding and subtracting numbers! It is jam-packed with activity pages that allow the student to add/subtract pictures and numbers, count how many, use a number line and so much more! This book can either be used as a workbook for a child to work through, or it can be used as discrete worksheets. The worksheets are in sequential order with concepts and skills building upon each other and they are intended to be used as such to provide the child with a secure foundation in math skills. These books can be used alone or alongside another math programme for further practice activities. This book follows our Number Worksheets 0 to 5. Suitable for when: Children can count a set of objects up to and including ten objects, and recognise and write the numerals 0 to 10. Objectives To gently lead children into first addition and then subtraction, Outline and steps This is first done by giving exercises in drawing one more/crossing one out. Then the child is introduced to the addition sign, while still adding sets which are visually represented. This further leads on to problems where the child must draw the required number of objects to complete the number problem, The steps are similar for the introduction of subtraction. Children are also introduced to: Adding and subtracting using a number line Number patterns Everyday problems involving addition and subtraction Who can use this Beginning Addition and Subtraction workbook? This book is not just a set of worksheets, it is intended as a maths course and can follow on from our counting 0 to 5 and Counting 6 to 10 workbooks. They are suitable for both class and home use, They can be used as home-education curriculum material. It can also be used by private tutors.

Author Lilibette's Resources

Tags Addition, Subtraction Worksheet, Addition Worksheet, Number Line, Find The Difference

Adding and Subtracting Using a Number Line

Adding and Subtracting Using a Number Line
Math, Number Lines, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Place Value, Subtraction, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Students will get to practice Adding and Subtracting Using a Number Line with this 4-page printable. From one page to the next, the problems begin to increase in complexity. This will provide students with the practice they need to apply number lines. Answer key included.

Author Elementary Resources 4 U

Tags Adding Numbers, Subtraction Problems, Place Value, Tens Chart, Number Lines, Math Centers, Small Group, Independent Work, Assessment

Addition Using a Number Line

Addition Using a Number Line
Math, Number Lines, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This 2-page printable is Addition Using a Number Line. Students will use the number line to practice bridging 10 only. This is great for your beginners. There are 10 problems in all.

Author Elementary Resources 4 U

Tags Addition, Number Lines, Bridging Ten, Tens Chart, Place Value, Addition Problems, Math Centers, Math Quiz, Homework, Assessment

Number Line Jump Forward and Solve Worksheet

Number Line Jump Forward and Solve Worksheet
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Number Lines, Numbers, Grade 1, 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This Number Line Jump Forward and Solve Worksheet is a great way for students to practice their addition skills. The number line is a great strategy for solving addition problems, and this worksheet will help students to master this skill.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Have Fun Teaching

Knowing Your Number Line Worksheet

Knowing Your Number Line Worksheet
Math, Numbers, Number Lines, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This worksheet is a great way for students to learn about numbers and counting. It is also a great way for students to learn about skip counting by tens.

Author Have Fun Teaching

Tags Skip Counting