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Time Worksheets

Provide your students with time worksheets that teach how to read analog and digital clocks, calculate elapsed time, and understand time intervals. These activities are crucial for daily life and time management. Incorporate them to support students in becoming confident with time-related concepts.

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Math, Addition and Subtraction, Early Learning, Elementary, Pre-K, Activities, Worksheets & Printables

5 PAGES OF EXERCISES OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION THEMED: DINO THEMED INTRODUCTION: HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic resource for you! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic resource. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Why should teachers use educational material in the classroom? As is known, educational material helps students build their knowledge autonomously and, above all, in an unforgettable way. 2. What is the name of this document? This document is titled "Educational material for children" 3. What topic will be addressed in this resource? This document will address an educational topic that every child should learn in a basic way. 4. For what ages is it recommended? This set of educational sheets is recommended for children in general who are in the learning age and these sheets will be of great help to them. 5. Who is the author of this document? The author, who was in charge of producing and compiling this educational material, is EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS. 6. In what area of ​​knowledge can it be applied? You can apply this set of educational sheets according to your criteria, in the corresponding area. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Aimed at children of ages: This educational document is specifically aimed at children in primary education. 8. Area: This educational document may be used in some area of ​​primary education for children. 9. Keywords: children, primary education, resources for children, free resources, primary resources, resources for primary education. 10. How do I print it? You can print this document in PDF format, A4 size. 11. How to apply it in class? You can apply this document individually or also in a group, it all depends on the criteria of the educator who is going to apply this sheet. 12. Will they need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, perhaps the students when using this sheet will need pencils, colors, or perhaps scissors, eraser. It all depends on the point of view of the educator.



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Foreign Languages, Spanish, Early Learning, Elementary, Adult Education, High School, Homeschool Resources, Middle School, Not Grade Specific, Pre-K, Teacher Tools, Classroom Decor, Activities

20 FREE FLASHCARDS OF ANIMALS FREE RESOURCE INTRODUCTION: Hello! I thank you infinitely for your interest in my educational store! I am a teacher who strives every day to produce these great educational resources for children, so I thank you because with your downloads you are helping a lot to promote my personal and professional work. MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 1. Brief introduction: Hello, thank you very much for being interested in this educational document. This document will help you a lot both in the classroom if you are a teacher, as well as if you homeschool and want to stimulate your children from home. 2. Title of the educational resource: This document is titled "Teaching material for children" 3. Topic to work on: Thanks to this educational document, we are going to work on a basic topic that every child and/or student should master. 4. Area of ​​knowledge where it should be applied: Thanks to this document, we will address a topic and at the same time an important area of ​​learning. 5. Number of pages it contains: This educational document contains the following number of pages available and ready to be used by you, you just have to download and print the document to start using it in your classroom. 6. Is it available in color or black/white? This document and/or set of educational sheets is available in color and also in certain parts contains black and white, however it is generally suggested that the teaching material be designed in color so that it is much more attractive for your students, awakening their attention and interest. SECONDARY AND COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 7. Should I apply it individually or as a group in my class? Also, according to your criteria, see if it is better for these sheets to be applied individually or as a group. 8. What size and format is this resource in? This set of teaching sheets has been published in A4 size, PDF format, so that it is much easier to use. 9. Do I need any extra elements to apply it? Yes, perhaps your students need pencils, colors, markers and even sometimes scissors and erasers. 10. Is it in color or black and white? This educational document



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ELA, Writing, Handwriting, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

HELLO! WELCOME TO THE EDITORIAL ARENAS EDUCATIVAS RESOURCE STORE! This time we bring you these fantastic 20 puzzles to cut out! Your children's afternoons will no longer be boring thanks to these fantastic 20 puzzles to practice cutting out. A. WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT? Yes, to make the decision to download this product, please carefully read the following information regarding the product: 1. Product name: The title of the product is "10 pages of line drawings with the theme of means of transportation" 2. Number of pages: The educational document is made up of 10 pages. 3. Is it editable or not? This educational resource is not editable, so you can print it more easily since it is available in PDF format, and you will not have problems with movements in the figures and/or elements of the document. 4. Theme: The topic to be developed is graphomotor skills. 5. Document version: This document is available in PDF version. B. SECONDARY AND/OR COMPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT: 6. Color or white/black: Designed in colors. 7. Aimed at children of ages: For children from 3 to 6 years old. 8. Area: Graphomotor skills 9. Keywords: lines, line drawings, drawing exercises, lines worksheets, lines to review 10. How do I print it? Print it in A4 format, horizontal and in color. 11. How to apply it in class? Apply it individually or in pairs. 12. Will you need extra elements to use this sheet? Yes, you will need pencil, colors or markers to make your lines. 13. Standards: It was not prepared based on any specific standard.


Tags Tracing Lines, Tracing Lines Worksheets, Tracing Lines For Kids, Tracing Lines Activities, Free Resources


Math, Time, Grade 1, 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Time: A Practical Workbook for Learning Time Concepts Designed specifically for students in grades 1 through 3, "Time" is a resourceful workbook offering an engaging introduction to time concepts. This education tool focusses on teaching the placement of numerals and hands on a clock face, enabling kids to accurately tell time down to the minute. List of Unique Features: Detailed exercises presenting interactivity through tasks like ordering times sequencing and calculating durations. Suitable for independent learning as it minimises teacher supervision without lacking core understanding. Versatility that facilitates effective use in classroom settings or home-based learning environments. This PDF workbook comprises 48 print-ready pages that allow independent learning while simultaneously challenging students progressively. The structured arrangement of activities based on complexity enables teachers to assign tasks according to individual readiness levels or progress pace, making this tool ideal for reinforcing learned concepts and further boosting skills towards mastery. "Time": A Workbook That Engages Students Repeatedly. An extensive variety of activity types keeps learners engaged whether practicing at school or home. Parents aiming at giving their children extra practice with telling time can benefit from using this tool just like educators do in classrooms. Additional Practical Features: A comprehensive answers leaflet that is easily detachable for self-study sessions without assistance. A supplemental guide providing additional suggestions beyond typical lesson plans, adding versatility and structured pedagogical design value. In summary, "Time" serves as more than mere worksheets—it’s an educational aid aptly curated assisting teachers, parents & students alike in mastering the essentials of understanding time via a blend of effectively designed exercises and self-learning strategies.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Telling Time, Math Workbook, Digital Clock, Analog Clock, Math Printables

Grade 2 MATH Worksheets | Beach Theme

Grade 2 MATH Worksheets | Beach Theme
Math, Place Value, Time, Grade 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Who doesn’t love a fun day at the beach? Your grade 2 learners are going to enjoy this set of 12 beach-themed math worksheets . They are perfect the perfect way to kick-off the summer months. Use them as end-of-the year review during those last few weeks of the school year. The print and go format also allows you to easily create a summer worksheet packet so learners can practice their math skills over the break from school. If you’re a grade 3 teacher, these worksheets are also a great way to transition your learners from summer break to a new school year. Use them as review or to assess math skills in your new learners. The beach theme is kid-friendly and includes a variety of topics all kids will enjoy. Concepts presented in this product include addition, subtraction, place value, graphing, 2-D shapes, word problems, telling time, and more. Along with the 12 worksheets, an answer key is also provided. Check out the details of each worksheet below. WORKSHEET 1: learners will add the one-digit and two-digit numbers presented on each pair of flip flops. WORKSHEET 2: learners will solve the one-digit and two-digit subtraction equations. Then, they will color the lifesaver ring that shows the correct answer. WORKSHEET 3: learners will identify the number on each beach ball as odd or even. Then, they will color the beach ball according to how the number is categorized. WORKSHEET 4: learners will read the place value clue on each beach pail and color the seashell that shows the matching number to the clue. WORKSHEET 5: learners will read the skip counting prompt under each snorkeling diver and write the correct pattern of numbers on the fish. WORKSHEET 6: learners will compare two-digit and three-digit numbers on either side of the surfer. Then they will write the greater than or less than symbol on the surfboard. WORKSHEET 7: learners will write numbers in word form, expanded form, or number form based on the prompts given with each set of watercraft. WORKSHEET 8: learners will find 2-D shapes hidden within a sandcastle and color the shapes based on the given prompt. WORKSHEET 9: learners will read the time on an analog clock and write the digital time on the line below the “luau” prompt. WORKSHEET 10: learners will count each set of coins and glue the matching popsicle in the box under the coins. WORKSHEET 11: learners will answer questions about data presented in a picture graph. WORKSHEET 12: learners will solve addition and subtraction equations presented in “boardwalk” themed word problems. ANSWER KEY ALSO AVAILABLE:Grade 2 ELA Worksheets | Beach Theme

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Grade 2 Math, Grade 3 Math, Beach, Addition, Subtraction, Graphing, Telling Time, Word Problems, Place Value, 2-D Shapes

Winter Telling Time

Winter Telling Time
Math, Time, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

A Winter-themed worksheet that helps your student practice telling time with both digital and analog clocks. In this worksheet the student cuts and pastes the digital clock hats to the matching snowman with analog clock bellies.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Telling Time, Math, Winter, Clock

Telling Time to the Hour with Tom Turkey Activities and Worksheets

Telling Time to the Hour with Tom Turkey Activities and Worksheets
Math, Time, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

Its Turkey Time! Your grade 1 and grade 2 learners are going to enjoy working their way through these learning activities with a fun turkey theme. This product consists of a turkey craftivity, 8 corresponding worksheets, and a bonus learning game. The focus of each worksheet and activity is telling time to the hour. Learners will start out making their very own analog clock, which in the end will look like a colorful turkey. There are 3 options for a clock face, 2 of which will engage your learners in adding their own numbers to the clock face. After completing the turkey craftivity, learners will use their clocks to help them tell time on the worksheets. Designed for differentiation and to keep your learners engaged, the worksheets present with a variety of skill levels and types of tasks. Your learners will cut and paste, match, color, write digital times, and draw hands on analog clocks. To round out the product, learners will have the opportunity to play a learning game. In this activity , they will identify an hour presented in digital time and display that time on their analog turkey clocks. It’s a great, hands-on way for them to make connections with the concepts practiced in the worksheets. The learning game and worksheets are available in a color version, as well as a black & white version. You’ll also find an answer key is provided. Although the game does require initial prep work, it will then be ready for year-over- year use. Most of the worksheets are PRINT and GO, with the exception of the two cut and paste activities. These learning activities will make a wonderful addition to your Fall math curriculum and get your learners ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Below are the details of each page found within this product. PAGE 1: instructions for the turkey clock craftivity PAGES 2-4: three versions of clock faces for the craftivity PAGES 5-6: templates for the turkey head, feet, feathers, and clock hands PAGE 7: WORKSHEET #1 – learners will identify the digital time each turkey is holding and cut/paste the analog clock showing the matching time. PAGE 8: WORKSHEET #2 – learners will identify the time on the analog clocks that Tom Turkey is holding and write the matching digital time. PAGE 9: WORKSHEET #3 – learners will identify the digital time each turkey is holding and draw the matching clock hands on the analog clocks. PAGE 10: WORKSHEET #4 – learners will count the feathers on each turkey and use that number to match the turkey to an analog clock, as well as write the digital version of the time shown on the clock. PAGE 11: WORKSHEET #5 – learners will identify the digital time each turkey is holding and color the analog clock under each turkey that matches the digital time. PAGE 12: WORKSHEET #6 – learners will identify two digital times and cut/paste the analog clock that shows the hour between the two digital times. PAGE 13: WORKSHEET #7 – learners will draw the hands on analog clocks that show the time either before or after an activity done by Tom Turkey. PAGE 14: WORKSHEET #8 – learners will use a color key to color the feathers on the turkey that show the matching analog time. PAGES 15-16: “Its Turkey Time” learning game cards (version 1) PAGES 17-18: “Its Turkey Time” learning game cards (version 2) ANSWER KEY CHECK IT OUT! Four additional learning games and corresponding PowerPoint slides are also available. Find them under the title: Telling Time Learning Games with Tom Turkey.

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Telling Time, Hour, Analog Clocks, Digital Time, Turkey, Worksheets, Craftivity, Learning Game, Thanksgiving, Fall

Summer Telling Time Puzzles

Summer Telling Time Puzzles
Math, Time, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Summer Time...and the living is easy! :) Telling the time SUMMER MATH Center Ice Cream Times This is a fun Summer Math Center to practice Telling the Time Match the ice creams and record the times on the worksheet. WHAT IS INCLUDED •60 different clocks with hour, half-hour, quarter-hour, twenty minutes, ten minutes, and five minutes intervals. •4 recording sheets SUGGESTED USE This is a fun activity that can be used in a variety of ways. As a math station, a small group activity, or sit alone activity. Print and laminate for long time use or print and use as a one-time activity.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Summer, Telling Time, Ice Cream, Puzzles, Math Center

Elapsed Time Worksheets - Time for the Beach!

Elapsed Time Worksheets - Time for the Beach!
Holiday & Seasonal, Seasons, Summer, Math, Time, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Elapse Time Worksheets - Time for the Beach! A perfect blend of fun and learning, Elapse Time Worksheets focuses on enhancing time-telling and problem-solving skills for 3rd and 4th-grade learners. This packet offers beach-themed math worksheets with special emphasis on boosting competency in elapsed time and telling time at 5-minute intervals. Analog and Digital Clocks for Comprehensive Learning The content beautifully intertwines analog and digital clocks, alongside AM/PM notations hence providing a broad understanding of timelines. Designed to resemble real-life scenarios, these exercises make learning fascinating whilst endorsing mathematical abilities during summer breaks. Numerous uses such as group instruction or individual practice sessions Suitable to be assigned as homework tasks for reinforcement purposes Diverse Worksheets with Engaging Scenarios This amazing toolkit consists of five diverse worksheets, each revolving around unique storyline wherein students associate elapsed-time word problems with accurate clock readings. Drawing lines between problem statements & corresponding clocks Sketching correct times on blank clock faces Selecting accurate clock timings from given options Note:No preparatory work required by educators; these tools are ready-to-use! Variants Available in Color & Black/White Versions, Supplementary Features: An answer key is included to assist student's self-evaluation or teacher's grading process. Carefully curated seasonal counterparts are also available: Winter Theme, spring Theme ,Autumn theme etc. This versatile teaching aid in the format of a pdf is carefully crafted to enhance cognitive skills while maintaining educational engagement.

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Beach-themed Math, Elapsed Time, Telling Time, Word Problems, Analog Clocks

Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme

Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme
Math, Patterns, Time, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Fractions, Geometry, Measurements, Division, Place Value, Subtraction, Grade 3, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

```html Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme The Grade 3 Math Worksheets - Sports Theme resource is a unique mix of math practice and the exciting world of various sports, designed to engage any sports-enthused, third-grade student. This compilation makes learning fun and relatable, making it an excellent choice for teachers looking for effective ways to reinforce end-of-year math concepts or as an extra homework packet during summer break. Usability These worksheets are perfect for both classroom instructions and homeschooling. They comprehensively cover most third grade mathematics standards while keeping learners interested with its vibrant sports theme. Variety of Problems Multiplication Division Fractions Geometry Aditions/ Subtractions etc. Skill-Building Areas: Time Estimation Skills The resource comprises 30 printable worksheets on different themes ranging from football to snowboarding ensuring no dull moments for your learners by providing variety yet offering consistent reinforcement. The pack's accessible nature appears suitable not just for complete class sessions but also boosts proficiency among small groups or individuals needing focused attention on certain areas. Distributing these worksheets could even serve as substantial bonus homework assignments aimed at testing independent thinking among students outside standardized setups! Economical Utility: . Designed thoughtfully with budget constraints in mind – the package includes both color printouts along with economically printer-friendly black & white duplicates providing identical content appeals to everyone’s convenience! Last But Not The Least - The Answer Key! An indispensable add-on to this resource is the Answer Key. This feature accelerates marking tasks by providing accurate answers, guaranteeing relief from daunting correction workload and saving a significant chunk of valuable time for educators! ```

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Math Practice, Sports Theme, Third Grade, Worksheets, Answer Key

Math Practice Simplified B - Primary Concepts

Math Practice Simplified B - Primary Concepts
Math, Measurements, Money, Time, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This mathematics-based resource is designed for grades K-1. It’s imperative for students to have a strong foundation in basic math skills. This resource provides activities to extend students beginner knowledge of key math concepts, such as counting, numerals, time, money, measurement, adding and subtracting. This resource is perfect to prepare students to succeed on standardized tests . An answer key is included. Aligned to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards.

Author Classroom Complete Press

Tags Math, Counting, Shapes, Time, Clocks, Weights, Primary, Measurement, Money, Answer Key

Summer Telling Time

Summer Telling Time
Math, Time, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

A Summer-themed worksheet that helps your student practice telling time with both digital and analog clocks. In this worksheet, the student cuts and pastes the analog clock ice cream scoops to the matching digital clock cones.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Summer, Telling Time, Clock, Time, Ice Cream

3rd Grade Math Worksheets - Inuit Theme

3rd Grade Math Worksheets - Inuit Theme
Math, Time, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Division, Money, Geometry, Graphing, Measurements, Grade 3, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

3rd Grade Math Worksheets with an Inuit Theme offers a comprehensive and engaging pathway for students to tackle important mathematical skills. Set against the backdrop of an exciting story about Inuit siblings, Tulok and Amka, this resource helps pupils explore mathematics in a culturally informed context. The worksheets adhere strictly to grade 3 mathematics standards, focusing on improving abilities in addition, subtraction, multiplication, time-measurement skills, understanding geometry concepts including working with money concepts and graphs. Whether used for whole class instruction or smaller group settings mysteries of math would be unraveled together. The journey involves: WORKSHEET 1: Characteristics of two-dimensional geometric shapes are identified herein as foundational work. Subsequent exploration homes into understanding perimeters through measurements of ice-block structures. WORKSHEETS 2 & 3 : Gauge real-world application scenarios while learning how to measure perimeters. Focusing on practical aspects within our captivating narrative topic areas covered between: WORKSHEETs 4-8 : The measurement of lengths or heights for given items; Mental calculations around money based word problem scenarios ; Differentiation between 'AM' or 'PM' based on contextual indicators ;.. Calculating elapsed time portrayed both digitally and analogously. A return to essential basic operations featured in individual sections: WORKSHEET9 : Addition projects combine traditional arithmetic tasks along with multi - step contextual word problems ensuring holistic conceptualization capacities . WORKSHEET10 : Subtraction tasks performed in the same vein as addition . WORKSHEET13 : The focus here is dedicated multiplication practice . WORKSHEETS11 & 12 : Graphing using bars would encapsulate both worksheets thereby instilling quantitative reasoning capacities amongst learners. Notably, an answer key is included supporting prompt assessments. In conclusion, these standalone PDF worksheets work efficiently as classroom resources or homework assignments. Variations include colored format and black & white versions to fulfill diverse printing demands. The Inuit Themed 3rd Grade Math Worksheets are an encompassing math exploration toolset keeping students engaged through cultural relevance and interest-inspiring narratives.

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Inuit Theme, Geometric Shapes, Perimeters, Time And Money, Graphing

First Grade End of the Year Math Review Bundle

First Grade End of the Year Math Review Bundle
Math, Time, Early Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Subtraction, Numbers, Money, Geometry, Graphing, Place Value, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

First Grade End of the Year Math Review Bundle The First Grade End of the Year Math Review Bundle is a comprehensive teaching resource designed to engage students in a fun, summative review of first grade math concepts. With 60 distinct learning activities, this bundle offers educators ultimate flexibility. Utilize it for whole group instruction, small group activities, homework assignments or as an independent study during math center time! Fostering Enthusiasm for Learning This bundle ensures your pupils stay engaged right until the last bell rings! It serves as an essential tool for reinforcing lessons learned throughout the year and pinpointing areas that need further development over summer break. Coverage: Time management Early computation skills: addition and subtraction Numerical digits up to 120 Money notation understanding Geometry: angles (2-D & 3-D) In addition to these subjects, there are worksheets incorporated that take care of place value realization with ten frames methodology and enhance interpretative skills with graphing too! A Variety of Engaging Assignments: "Color by numbers" tasks based on mathematical rules. "Roll-Add-Color" games. And more! All designed to provide hands-on learning experience. -Cut-and-paste fact fluency exercises- These foster active learning while fine-tuning students' motor skills. Making Ten Tasks with Problem Solving Element: This adds an element of problem-solving to daily instruction. Other features include: • Measurement pages that enhance spatial awareness through real-world applications • Printable hidden number puzzles promoting critical thinking & numer identification Race to 120 game: dDesigned for diverse learners who may require extra reinforcement at home or seek additional challenges during breaks from regular classroom instruction. In essence this bundle doesn't only wrap up a near-finished year but also equips your students steadfastly towards their impending journey into second grade by making key mathematical skills stick while spurring on creativity! File Type: PDF Easy to print and ready for use! Keep your first graders mathematically active up until the last day of school with the First Grade End of The Year Math Review Bundle!

Author Mrs. Frog

Tags Math Review, First Grade, End Of Year, Activities, Worksheets

Telling Time/Elapsed Time Worksheets - Autumn Theme

Telling Time/Elapsed Time Worksheets - Autumn Theme
Math, Time, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Autumn is upon us! That means sweaters, pumpkins, and “falling” back 1 hour on the clock. With these worksheets learners in kindergarten and grade 1 can strengthen their skills in telling time to the hour. This product allows for differentiated learning with worksheets to accommodate 3 different learning styles: matching, cut & paste, and drawing & writing. There are also 3 different themes integrated into the worksheets: Autumn Animals, Autumn Activities, and Farming. A color version and a black & white version are available. An answer key is also provided. PLEASE NOTE: Color and B&W versions are IDENTICAL. When you purchase this product, you will receive: (Set 1: Matching/Autumn Animal Theme) WORKSHEET 1: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate analog clocks WORKSHEET 2: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate digital clocks WORKSHEET 3: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate analog clocks to digital clocks WORKSHEET 4: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate digital clocks to analog clocks WORKSHEET 5: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate word problem to analog clocks WORKSHEET 6: learners will "fall back" one hour and match the appropriate word problem to digital clocks (Set 2: Cut and Paste/Autumn Activities Theme) WORKSHEET 7: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate analog clocks WORKSHEET 8: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate digital clocks WORKSHEET 9: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate analog and digital clocks WORKSHEET 10: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate digital and analog clocks WORKSHEET 11: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate analog clocks to a matching word problem WORKSHEET 12: learners will "fall back" one hour by cutting and pasting the appropriate digital clocks to a matching word problem (Set 3: Write and Draw/Farming Theme) WORKSHEET 13: learners will "fall back" one hour by drawing the correct minute/hour hands on analog clocks WORKSHEET 14: learners will "fall back" one hour by writing the correct digits on digital clocks WORKSHEET 15: learners will "fall back" one hour by writing the correct digits on digital clocks after reading the time on an analog clock WORKSHEET 16: learners will "fall back" one hour by drawing the correct minute/hour hands on analog clocks after reading the time on a digital clock WORKSHEET 17: learners will "fall back" one hour by drawing the correct minute/hour hands on analog clocks after reading a word problem WORKSHEET 18: learners will "fall back" one hour by writing the correct digits on digital clocks after reading a word problem

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Telling Time, Elapsed Time, One Hour, Analog, Digital

Elapsed Time Worksheets - Springtime

Elapsed Time Worksheets - Springtime
Holiday & Seasonal, Seasons, Spring, Math, Time, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Elapsed Time Worksheets - Springtime: A Math Tool for 3rd and 4th Graders The Elapsed Time Worksheets - Springtime is a wonderful resource for grade 3 and grade 4 learners that adds a fun, spring-themed twist to your math curriculum . Comprising five captivating worksheets, it focuses on real-world elapsed time problems set within vibrant spring scenarios. Engaging Content: Each worksheet provides an exciting platform for improving understanding of elapsed time. They cover increments of hour, half-hour, and even five minutes ensuring a comprehensive understanding. Dual Focus: Students are challenged not only in reading analog clocks but also in writing the time both digitally and analogously. Morning & Evening Concept: Each worksheet assists students in distinguishing between AM (morning) and PM (evening) timings happily. This resource is meticulously designed to meet mathematical norms. Depending on class dynamics, you can use these worksheets for group learning or break them up into smaller teams or individual assignments as needed. Detailed Design & Presentation All aspects are carefully defined: from reading prompts linked with fun-filled spring tasks to correctly marking elapsed timings on both clock diagrams and written forms! 'Print & Go' Teaching Aid Offering Flexibility Apart from crisp color versions, this resource also includes detailed black & white versions. It’s perfect if you have environmental concerns or simply prefer grayscale printing.! An answer key is included too which makes self-assessment easy during interactive lessons. And yes—it's ready right at your fingertips! Your students' knowledge of 'time' will bloom like beautiful tulips under clear blue skies! Delve into the Elapsed Time Worksheets - Springtime now!

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Elapsed Time, Worksheets, Springtime, Real-world Scenarios, Analog Clocks

Telling Time to the Half Hour Worksheets

Telling Time to the Half Hour Worksheets
Math, Time, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Start learning to tell time on an analog clock with these telling time to the half hour posters and worksheets. Students will get to practice telling time by reading an analog clock and by drawing the hour and minute hands on a clock to represent the time. What is Included: There is a clock poster page that labels the hour hand and the minute hand. There is a clock poster page that shows all the clocks for times to the hour with labels. There are two worksheets where students will write the time shown on the analog clock. There are two worksheets where students will draw the hour hand and the minute hand to show the time on the analog clock. There is one worksheet where students will draw the missing hour or minute hand to correctly complete each clock. The clean, simple nature of these worksheets will allow students to learn to tell time to the half hour without extra distractions. The poster pages provide students will a reference page to look back to if they find their assignment confusing, or if they need further reference to solve one of the problems. When to Use: Morning Work - These worksheets make a great addition to your morning work routine while students are learning to tell time. Homework - These worksheets are an easy way to give extra practice for students to work on at home with their parents. Independent Work - These worksheets are great independent practice for students to complete within the classroom. Sub Plans - These worksheets can be easily added to any sub plans for an easy activity to assign and keep students engaged. Skills Assessed: Students will practice telling time to the half hour on an analog clock, by recognizing the time the clock says and by drawing the arms of the clock to show the correct time.

Author The Connett Connection

Tags Telling Time, Analog Clocks, Telling Time To The Half Hour, Telling Time Worksheets

Telling Time - Spring Ahead

Telling Time - Spring Ahead
Math, Time, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Telling Time - Spring Ahead: A Sensational Resource For teachers preparing their students for the seasonal shift, Telling Time - Spring Ahead offers an exciting lesson plan. This packet strengthens learners' time-telling skills while acknowledging Daylight Savings Time and awaiting Spring's arrival. Workbook Structure: 18 detailed worksheets divided into three sections each emphasizing unique learning styles – matching, cut & paste, drawing & writing. Suitable for individual assignments or group-based activities catering to differentiated instruction methods. Set 1: 'Springtime Animals' The initial set has tasks based on analog and digital clocks match-ups where students 'spring ahead' one hour. Each worksheet gradually escalates in complexity with word problem-solving scenarios related to telling time. Set 2: 'Springtime Activities' This playful segment includes cutting and pasting exercises which help learners understand how the clock changes when advanced by an hour. It also enhances crucial fine motor skills needed for young learners. Set 3: 'Farming Theme' The final set entails writing and drawing tasks wherein students either write digital timings or draw hands-on analog clocks after understanding a related word problem or digital/analog clock respectively. Variants: - Colorful worksheets - Black-and-white versions suitable according to teaching preferences or printing options The resource instills precision in telling time & adaption of upcoming seasonal alterations such as moving an hour ahead during springtime. It is ideal for Kindergarten-grade 1 math curriculums across public schools or homeschooling models discussing topics like Time usually included under broader Math teachings. With the entire community eagerly anticipating Spring's onset and Daylight Savings Time's commencement, these educational worksheets makes learning more pertinent, imaginative and memorable!

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Telling Time, Spring Ahead, Worksheets, Analog Clocks, Digital Clocks

Grade 1 Math Worksheets | Dinosaur Theme

Grade 1 Math Worksheets | Dinosaur Theme
Math, Early Math, Basic Operations, Counting, Fact Families, Numbers, Place Value, Shapes, Measurements, Time, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Your first graders are going to roar with delight as they work their way through this set of 12 math worksheets. You may let out a little roar of excitement as well with the Print and Go format and alignment with math standards. These worksheets focus on a variety of concepts all presented in the grade 1 math framework. Your learners will have the opportunity to practice and strengthen skills in areas such as addition, subtraction, place value, geometry, measurement, and word problems. An added bonus is the fun dinosaur theme, sure to keep them engaged as they work. This product is perfect for assessment, homework, group work, or independent skill building. It can also be used as a take-home packet during the summer months to help learners practice math skills for their upcoming time in grade 2. The majority of the worksheets are available in a color version, while all 12 worksheets are also available in black & white. For your convenience, an answer key is included as well. Take a look at the details of each worksheet below. WORKSHEET 1: learners will add single-digit and double-digit numbers and color the dinosaur bone that shows the correct answer. WORKSHEET 2: learners will solve single-digit and double-digit subtraction equations. WORKSHEET 3: learners will solve pairs of addition and subtraction equations and color the dinosaur to indicate if the answers are the same or different. WORKSHEET 4: learners will solve a mixture of addition and subtraction equations where one variable is missing. WORKSHEET 5: learners will read an analog clock and color the volcano with the matching digital time. WORKSHEET 6: learners will begin with a variety of numbers and write the next four numbers in the dinosaur’s footprints. WORKSHEET 7: learners will compare single-digit and double-digit numbers by writing the < or > symbols. WORKSHEET 8: learners will use the clues to color the place value dinosaur. WORKSHEET 9: learners will identify and draw 2-D dinosaur fossil shapes. WORKSHEET 10: learners will compare 2 and 3 sizes using vocabulary such as “shortest” and “longest”. WORKSHEET 11: learners will identify and partition squares, circles, and rectangles into halves and fourths. WORKSHEET 12: learners will solve a mixture of dinosaur addition and subtraction word problems. ANSWER KEY

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Grade 1 Math, Dinosaurs, Addition, Subtraction, Geometry, Place Value, Telling Time, Measurements, Word Problems, Missing Variable

BC Grade 5 Math: Full-Year of Tasks, Games, Projects: 70 Printable Pgs

BC Grade 5 Math: Full-Year of Tasks, Games, Projects: 70 Printable Pgs
Math, Number Lines, Patterns, Time, Money, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Algebra, Decimals, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication, Fractions, Geometry, Graphing, Measurements, Division, Place Value, Subtraction, Grade 3, 4, 5, 6, Worksheets, Worksheets & Printables

Do you need some engaging and fresh lessons for your fifth grade math class? If you want to shake up your grade 5 math program, here is a full-year resource for you! This resource is designed to be used alongside whichever textbook or curriculum your school already uses. These activities will enhance your students' learning by showing them how the skills they are learning from the textbook apply to real-life. Plus, there are quick and easy assessments for you to use to obtain an accurate picture of your students' learning. This 70-page PDF is brimming with ways to apply math to realistic situations (summer road trip, sale prices, perfect day schedule), math centers, and a variety of simple assessments , easy games, and math projects that align with each and every Learning Standard in the British Columbia Math 5 curriculum. 19 Different Topics are Covered: Number Concepts to 1,000,000 Decimals to Thousandths Equivalent Fractions Whole-Number, Fraction, and Decimal Benchmarks Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers to 1,000,000 Multiplication and Division to Three Digits (including division with remainders) Addition and Subtraction of Decimals to Thousandths Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 Multiplication and Division Facts to 100 Increasing and Decreasing Patterns One-step Equations with Variables Area Measurement of Squares and Rectangles Relationships Between Area and Perimeter Duration, Using Measurement of Time Classification of Prisms and Pyramids Single Transformations Double Bar Graphs (One-to-One and Many-to-One Correspondence) Probability Experiments, Single Events or Outcomes Financial Literacy Grades to Use With: This is designed for fifth grade math classes in British Columbia, Canada. However, it is full of activities that meet 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade common core standards, so it could easily work in many classrooms! What's Included: 70 Page PDF with 25 Different Activities and Answer Keys (where applicable) If you enjoy this full-year math program, check out my other ones: BC Grade 6 Math BC Grade 7 Math

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Math, Math Games, British Columbia, Math Text, Grade 5 Math, 5th Grade Math, 3rd Grade Math, 4th Grade Math, Full Year, Financial Literacy

Spring Telling Time

Spring Telling Time
Math, Time, Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Spring Telling Time: A Comprehensive Early Learning Resource Spring Telling Time is a meticulously crafted teaching resource purposed for early learning stages, including preschool, kindergarten, and grade 1 students. The crux of these worksheets is to make time-telling enjoyable and understandable to the young minds. Contents and Goals The resource consists of two engaging spring-themed worksheets encouraging children to practice telling time to the hour and half-hour mark. The underlying objective is to cultivate familiarity with reading simple analog clock times while making it fun for them. Intriguing Worksheets Infused With Learning 'Snail Time': Each snail needs help getting its mushroom by correctly matching clocks with the given times. 'It’s Flower Time': Learners must draw hour hands on empty clock faces after decoding digital timestamps provided alongside vibrant flowers. This creative challenge intertwined with mathematical skills spark interest in students while promoting their understanding of traditional clocks. Versatile Education Tool A well-rounded solution that can be implemented across different learning scenarios - from whole-group classroom instances for communal training or small group activities stimulating cooperative learning. It also serves as an ideal homework exercise reinforcing learned concepts about time under parental supervision at home. Fuss-free Download And Print Solution An easy-to-grab PDF file featuring two printable pages ensures seamless compatibility across all print mediums. Making it a practical tool within any scholastic setting; catering equally well, public schools or homeschools providing convenient meticulous education in math sub-topics like time-telling. In Summary: Spring Telling Time strategically couples effective pedagogical techniques with visually exciting worksheets, instilling learners with fundamental knowledge about deciphering appropriate time convention while harboring the joy resonant of the season incorporated into captivating spring-themed worksheets.

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Spring, Telling Time, Analog Clocks, Digital Timestamps, Math Skills

Valentine's Day Telling Time

Valentine's Day Telling Time
Math, Time, Kindergarten, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

A Valentine's Day worksheet that helps your student practice telling time to the hour. The student looks at each clock and colors in the heart with the correct color from the top

Author Cherry Workshop

Tags Telling Time, Valentine's Day, Telling Time To The Hour, Time

Time Journal: Digital, Analog and Words

Time Journal: Digital, Analog and Words
Special Resources, Life Skills, Math, Time, Measurements, Grade 1, 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Time Journal: Digital, Analog and Words Here's a real world application and simple math project that you can add to your time unit in grades 1 and 2. The activity encourages students to record their routine activities over a span of one day: getting up, getting to school, eating, lunch, getting, home, eating dinner, going to bed, etc. They are tasked with noting down the specific time of each event in three ways Writing the digital time Filling out an analog clock face Documenting the time verbally using words This multi-faceted approach reinforces the classroom learning of time and makes it meaningful to students because it is about their personal life! How to Use: Rounding off a unit on telling time – assign this journal as a homework assignment and summative task. It could be a great artifact for students' math portfolios. Data interpretation in class - collect answers from all students' journals to create a bar graph illustrating commonalities or differences in routines. For example, make a graph about when the people in our class go to bed. What's Included: The two-page printable PDF consists of eight digital clocks, eight analog clocks, and eight slots for writing down times in words. A reflective question at the end asks students what their personal favourite time of day is and why. Grades to Use With: This simple math project is designed to be accessible to students in grades 1 and 2. It could also be used in a special education classroom in the upper elementary grades. If you enjoy this primary math task, check out others in my store: Gingerbread Math: Fractions, Decimals and Percents Using Tenths Dot Marker Counting and Skip Counting Printables Crayon Math: Hands On Multiplication and Division Practice Hands On Fraction Activity: Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Egg Cartons

Author Grace Under Pressure

Tags Time Journal, Real World Math, Telling Time, Digital Clock, Analog Clock, Grade 1 Math, Grade 2 Math, Life Skill, Time, Math Project

Telling Time to the Nearest Minute Homework Sheets

Telling Time to the Nearest Minute Homework Sheets
Math, Time, Grade 3, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

This is a set of Telling Time to the Nearest Minute Homework Sheets. There are 4 sheets for you to print off and give to your students for homework or even an assessment. Answer keys are included.

Author That One Cheerful Classroom

Tags Math Homework, Homework Printable, Math Printable, Telling Time, Digital Clock, Analog Clock, Nearest Minute, Numbers, Math Centers, Telling Time To The Nearest Minute, Telling Time To Nearest Minute, Nearest Sheets, Time To The Nearest Minute, Telling Time To The Nearest Minute Worksheet

Solar System Math Worksheets for Grade 2

Solar System Math Worksheets for Grade 2
Math, Addition and Subtraction, Addition, Geometry, Graphing, Money, Place Value, Subtraction, Time, Grade 2, 3, Worksheets & Printables, Word Problems, Worksheets

Calling all space voyagers! Check out this set of 12 math worksheets with a out of this world solar system theme. Designed for learners in 2nd grade, these worksheets follow current standards in mathematics. As they work through each page, your learners will practice/review skills in adding, subtracting, place value, graphing, and solving 1-step word problems. The print and go format will give you a few extra moments of time in your busy day. Not only that, but the format allows this product to be used as a classroom activity, homework assignment, rainy day filler, or a learning activity when your learners have a substitute teacher. You’ll find this is a great resource for any type of educational environment. Classroom learners, resource learners, and homeschoolers alike will find these worksheets fun and engaging. As an educator, you can use them in small or large groups or for an individual assignment. They also work well for a quick assessment tool throughout the 2nd grade school year. Learners in 3rd grade can be assessed with these worksheets at the beginning of the school year as a way to establish a baseline for their mathematics skills. All worksheets come in a black & white format. An answer key is also included. PAGE 1: learners will practice ordinal number skills with planets in the solar system. PAGE 2: learners will identify odd and even numbers with silly alien eyeballs. PAGE 3: learners will determine place value within 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. PAGE 4: learners will use given data to fill-in a bar graph and answer questions about the information. PAGE 5: learners will practice skip counting skills for 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s. PAGE 6: learners will find hidden 2-D shapes and color them based on a given prompt. PAGE 7: learners will identify the price of space camp items and match it with the correct picture of dollar bills and coins. PAGE 8: learners will use the greater than/less than symbol to compare the number of moons for each planet. PAGE 9: learners will solve 1-digit and 2-digit addition equations and color the shooting stars which contain the correct answers. PAGE 10: learners will use subtraction to solve single-digit and double-digit equations and color the sunshine which contains the correct answer. PAGE 11: learners will color analog clocks which show the correct time the astronauts prepare for a space voyage. PAGE 12: learners will solve one-step word problems and show their work in the provided area. ANSWER KEY

Author Quail Trail Products

Tags Grade 2 Math, Solar System, Worksheets, Print And Go, Addition, Subtraction, Word Problems, Place Value, Graphing, Telling Time

Elapsed Time Math Packet

Elapsed Time Math Packet
Math, Time, Common Core, Grade 3, 4, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Have your students just started learning about elapsed time? Have they mastered the skill? Do you have students in your classroom who could use additional practice to sharpen their time telling skills? This is anElapsed Time Activity Packetfor your 3rd and 4th grade students. It may be used in class or as homework. The objective of this resource is for students to review telling time to the minute, and taking that skill a step further by figuring out how much time has elapsed between two events using a variety of strategies. The activities in this packet follow Common Core standards. If you choose to implement this during class time, you can do so in a variety of ways from page to page: Whole group – Complete a page with your entire class and you can project the page onto the whiteboard. Small group – Have students work in small groups to complete a page. You can also pull a small group to your table and work alongside them. This allows you to informally assess their mastery. Partner work – Students can work in groups of two to complete pages that you assign. Math centers – Pages can be placed in small groups for students to complete. This pack is broken down into 11 parts: --What’s the time? Worksheet --Elapsed Time on a T-Chart --Elapsed Time on a T-Chart Word Problems --More Elapsed Time on a T-Chart Word Problems --Elapsed Time on a Number Line --Elapsed Time worksheet --All in a Day: Time Task Answer keys are included. I hope you enjoy! You can find more resources at my storefront here: Here are other similar resources for you to enjoy:

Author At the Core

Tags Math Review, Elapsed Time, Telling Time, Time Word Problems, Math Small Groups, Number Lines, T-chart, Time Task, At The Core, Teaching Elapsed Time Using T Chart, Elapsed Time Number Line Printable, Elapsed Time Common Core

Telling Time by the Hour

Telling Time by the Hour
Math, Time, Preschool, Grade 1, Worksheets & Printables, Worksheets

Telling Time by the Hour Get this variety of practice pages on telling time by the hour. Students will get to see picture questions and word problems. Additionally, they will tell time by the hour and also tell what time is one hour before and one hour after the given time. Includes: 9 practice pages 1 quiz answer key Great to supplement your lesson plans, substitute days, homework, reviews, and more! Enjoy! Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour | Telling Time by the Hour |

Author Soumara Siddiqui

Tags Telling Time By The Hour, Time By The Hour, Telling Time