10 Drawer Cart Labels Editable 90s Retro Theme

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About This Product

10 Drawer Cart Labels with a Retro 90s Theme: A Visual Organizing Tool

A 10 Drawer Cart Label set with a charming Retro 90s theme brings life and order to any educational setting. Whether in a bustling public school or home education setup, these labels are designed to aid in organization while adding a dash of fun and nostalgia.

Weekly Planning & Major Categories Covered

  • Labels for each day of the week from Monday through Friday
  • 'Next Week', 'Sub Plans', 'Misc' categories for additional planning needs
  • 'Copy', 'File', 'Grade', and 'Notes' - covering major areas that teachers need organized
  • Versatile, Editable Template Options

    The product stands out for its customizability. The editable templates allow you to modify the text according to your preferences – change colors, fonts, and add unique personalized content relevant for your class or teaching environment.

    Please note: The product is available in PDF and PPT formats, but editing requires PowerPoint or Google Slides. While images aren't editable, all text can be customized fully.

    Fresh Retro Aesthetic Appeal across Grades!

    The delightful backdrop of vibrant colors popular in the 1990s make this classroom organizing tool even more interesting! Though reminiscent of decor from two decades past; this resource is useful across different grade levels – right from early elementary educators up through high school-level instructors.

    Possibilities aplenty!

    • Categorize resources within small groups as per days of week.
    • Maintain control over homework assignments of various weeks and more.

    Beyond the essential function of promoting order, these labels can bring a touch of excitement to everyday school life. At times, it even encourages increased participation from students attracted by the intriguing 90s-themed design.

What's Included

1. Premade labels

- Days of the week (Monday to Friday)

- Next Week

- Sub Plans

- Misc.

- File

- Copy

- Grade

- Notes

2. EDITABLE templates so you can customize the text using the font and color you love

Resource Tags

organization classroom labels 90s theme editable templates retro aesthetic retro cart

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