"A Night Divided" Word Study

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Vocabulary knowledge is a direct link to reading comprehension. This vocabulary study provides vocabulary activities for words that appear in the novel "A Night Divided" by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Printable PDF and Google Slides & Forms (digital) versions are included!

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Printable PDF and Google Slides & Forms (digital) versions are included!

Chapters 1 - 15

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITH Definitions: Students can use this word list as a study sheet to learn the pre-defined words.

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITHOUT Definitions: Assign this word list for students to define the words on their own. This can be done either as a pre-reading activity or as they read the novel using context clues.

  • ◾Vocabulary Study Activities: Match the word to the definition; Use context clues in quotes from the story to determine word meanings, then draw pictures to represent each word; Crossword Puzzle.

  • ◾Vocabulary Quizzes: Quiz #1 - Match the word to the correct definition; Quiz #2 - Select the correct definition for each word.

Chapters 16 – 33

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITH Definitions: Students can use this word list as a study sheet to learn the pre-defined words.

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITHOUT Definitions: Assign this word list to students so they can define the words on their own. This can be done either as a pre-reading activity or as they read the novel, using the context clues.

  • ◾Vocabulary Study Activities: Match the words to the synonyms & write a paragraph with 5 vocabulary words; Determine which word doesn’t relate to the others and then explain how the remaining words are related; Crossword Puzzle

  • ◾Vocabulary Quizzes: Quiz #1 – Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word; Quiz #2 - Match the word to the correct definition.

Chapters 34 – 47

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITH Definitions: Students can use this word list as a study sheet to learn the pre-defined words.

  • ◾Vocabulary Word Lists WITHOUT Definitions: Assign this word list for students to define the words on their own. This can be done either as a pre-reading activity or as they read the novel using the context clues.

  • ◾Vocabulary Study Activities: Tasks vary for each word (e.g. antonyms, synonyms, complete the sentences, name something, etc.); Crossword Puzzle; Match the word to the definition.

  • ◾Vocabulary Quizzes: Quiz #1 - Select the correct definition for each word; Quiz #2 - Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word.

  • ANSWER KEYS for ALL Vocabulary Practice Activities and Quizzes

💡Examples of the vocabulary activities included are listed below.

  • ◾define the word

  • ◾antonyms / synonyms

  • ◾fill in the blank sentences

  • ◾categorize words that are similar

  • ◾write sentences using the word

  • ◾Crossword puzzles

  • ◾multiple choice - choose the correct definition

Figurative Language Study (30 pages total)

  • ◾Figurative Language Notes Handouts (Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Idiom)

  • ◾Figuring Out Figurative Language Activities - Students will identify figurative language in passages taken from the novel, A Night Divided. Then, students will determine the type, meaning, and author’s purpose for including the figurative language identified in each passage. This activity can be divided up by splitting the class into groups and having each group work on different pages for a section of chapters. It could also be divided up and assigned as a bell ringer, warm-up activity, or exit ticket. (ANSWER KEYS INCLUDED)

Resource Tags

novel study book companion A Night Divided vocabulary study vocabulary quiz reading comprehension literacy center crossword puzzle night vocabulary night vocabulary answer key a night divided pdf

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