Algebra: Board Game - PC Software

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About This Product

Algebra: Board Game - PC Software

This software is a riveting and interactive teaching resource designed for educators. It's an ingenious tool that supports the comprehension of algebra concepts within the Five Strands of Math, targeting learners from preschool up to grade 2.

The uniqueness of this software lies in its game approach. Multiple algebra concept are woven into a fun-filled board game design instead of the usual textbook format, making it highly engaging and motivating for youngsters learning math.

  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) compliant
  • Craftily aligns with STEM initiatives
  • Meticulously follows guidelines by NCTM

Taking these points into account, teachers can ensure that students have access to curriculum-aligned material without compromising enjoyment or engagement levels.

The resource is provided as one zip file containing PC software which implies its versatility in various educational scenarios:

  1. Implementations as part of whole class instruction on projectors or smart whiteboards
  2. Incorporation during small group activities on individual computers
  3. Potential usage individually by students at home for homework assignments
  4. Suitable reinforcement activities during homeschooling sessions
In conclusion, this innovative synergy of fun and high-quality education renders Algebra: Board Game-PC Software an invaluable asset among educational tools dedicated to making complex mathematical concepts more accessible and comprehensible to early learners embarking on their journey into Algebra’s world.

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

board game math board game algebra activity addition game digital math

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