America Recycles Day Reading Comprehension Passage & Questions for 3rd

An educational teaching resource from Wonderland School entitled America Recycles Day Reading Comprehension Passage & Questions for 3rd downloadable at Teach Simple.
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Reading, ELA





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About This Product

America Recycles Day, observed on November 15, promotes recycling and environmental sustainability. It encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to take action in reducing waste and conserving resources. The day raises awareness about the benefits of recycling and how it helps protect the planet. It also inspires people to make recycling a part of their daily routine.

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to celebrate America Recycles Day? This reading passage is a great resource for celebrating America Recycles Day while practicing reading skills. This educational resource features simple, kid-friendly pages designed to make learning both enjoyable and interactive.

Great for homeschooling, classroom education, or extra practice.

Number of pages: 8 pages (4 BW + 4 COLOR)

Format PDF file

size: 8.5*11 Inches

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Resource Tags

America Recycles Day reading comprehension Recycling awareness reading passage America Recycles Day passage with questions Recycling facts reading comprehension Go Green reading passage for kids Reduce Reuse Recycle reading worksheet Recycling main idea reading questions America Recycles Day nonfiction passage Earth Day and recycling comprehension questions Earth Day Reading Passage

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