Arabic Alphabet Beginning Middle and End

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About This Product

These flashcards will help your students recognize how each Arabic letter looks when it is isolated, in the middle of a word, and how it looks at the end of a word. Students will learn, practice, and review the Arabic alphabet with this set. The cards with the red border are “naughty” letters since they do not join on to any letter after them (to the left of them). However, they do allow other normal letters to join them from the right.

These pages can be used as worksheets or as flashcards.

I've personally used them as flashcards by cutting and folding each -that way the students can see the solid form on one side and the traceable one on the back side.

Laminate for durability and provide dry erase markers with fine tips to make an engaging and fun environment.

All the best!


What's Included

1 PDF File

Resource Tags

arabic alphabet arabic learning arabic writing in arabic

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