About This Product
This AVIATION: PHYSICS: AERODYNAMICS: ENGINEERING: CREATIVITY: IMAGINATION is an independent research assignment. It contains a diversity of topics and activities. Use it in lieu of an assessment. Use it for an extra-credit activity. Use it during a time of pandemic challenges, to keep the learning active, and enriching. It can be graded A, B, C, or D depending upon completeness, accuracy, evidence of research, and effort.
This AVIATION: PHYSICS: AERODYNAMICS: ENGINEERING: CREATIVITY: IMAGINATION resource is perfect for an alternate assessment or engaging learning research! The topics include:
1 Terminology
2 History Tidbits
3 Just what is a VTOL aircraft? Aircraft types using VTOL technology
4 Essay#1 : Defining the basic concepts
5 Essay #2 Why commercial aircraft industry says no to VTOL: Is it
economic / financial?
6 Research & Respond #1 : What is an eVtol?
7 Advantage: Why are VTOLS good in rough terrain?
8 What are the downsides or difficulties with VTOL aircraft?
9 Art Activity #1: Draw/ sketch the following 2 aircraft:
Gyrocopter & Tiltorotor. Color them in. Use the internet for a likeness
of each one.
9A Art Activity #2: Draw a likeness of the F-35B aircraft, which has
VTOL capabilities Color it in. Use the internet for likeness.
9B Art Activity #3: Design a VTOL aircraft: Put your own touches in the
drawing! Use your imagination!
10 Word Search: VTOL fuel sources
11 Word Jumble Activity
12 Answer key: Word Jumble Activity
13 Quiz: Knowledge of VTOL Aircraft & Aviation
14 Answer key: Quiz/ VTOL Aircraft & Aviation
15 Essay# 3: Briefly expound: Why don’t we make disc shaped aircraft?
Why hasn’t the design of the commercial airplane changed much in
last 45 years? What are the problems/challenges designing a circular
aircraft? Might they be developed in the future? Can you imagine a
circular saucer commercial craft?
16 Self-reflection: Would you consider becoming a pilot or air-craft
designer? Aviation Engineer?
This is a ready to use resource!!