Base 10 Place Value Posters

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Grade 1, 2, 3



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About This Product

Base 10 Place Value Posters

Base 10 Place Value Posters come with a lively and effective method of introducing students to the essential concept of place value. These posters are primarily designed for first, second, and third-grade students. Not just adding a splash of color to classrooms, they also aid educators in demystifying Maths simplification.

Apart from being ideal for early math curriculum, these tools help explicate number placement range - from ones up to millions.

The Power of Visual Aids

Pictorial aids have always been instrumental while teaching complex topics. These posters do exactly that by representing numbers in three ways - standard form, word form, and expanded form. This technique converts numerical data into visually digestible information simplifying the learning process immensely.

Vibrant Illustrations Equal Engaging Learning

The use of dynamic graphics on each poster enables students to visualize better the essence of place values while harnessing their critical thinking skills. This fun approach emphasizes math as being more than formulae!

Multiple Usability

  1. In-Class Instructional Aid
  2. Cue during Small Group Exercises
  3. Homeschool Homework Supplement

You can choose between different sets according to need - Units/Tens/Hundreds/Thousands or another using 'ones' instead of 'units'.

Made by Teachers for Teachers (and Parents too!)

  • Composed thoughtfully by experienced teachers.
  • A beneficial resource around the globe for school educators or homeschooling parents.
  • Ideal tool teaching math basics in an engaging manner.
  • Packaged conveniently as compatible PDF files.

In conclusion, Base 10 Place Value Posters pique young learners' curiosity towards Mathematics, pushing them towards successful academic futures. So don't wait - start employing these vibrant learning materials today!

What's Included

This file includes:

* Units

* Tens

* Hundreds

* Thousands

* A separate group of posters that use the term ones instead of units

Resource Tags

place value visual aids math posters number sense instructional materials

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