Bugs for Lunch Read Aloud Book Companion

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This picture book companion is a complete supplemental resource for the book Bugs for Lunch by Margery Facklam. It includes 15 print-and-go reading activities to choose from, making this resource ideal for customizing learning to your student's specific needs and academic abilities.

Students will investigate various bugs and insects, conduct research to learn more about people all over the world who eat bugs, compare & contrast, make inferences and connections, learn and apply new vocabulary, answer questions that require them to think beyond the text, and much more!

Students will be captivated by the stimulating activities, while educators will value the saved effort in searching for premium resources to tackle complex reading concepts. The activities on offer aim to promote advanced cognitive skills, urge students to cite textual justifications for their conclusions, and motivate them to articulate their personal opinions and views.

⭐️This Resource Includes:⭐️

  • ◾ Bug Lunch Match-Up: Students cut out the insects and glue them in the box next to who might eat them for lunch (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

    • ◾ Who Am I?: Students will match the insects and animals in the word bank to the descriptions below. Then, for each one, draw and color a picture (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

    • ◾ Words That Rhyme: Students read the word pairs and come up with other words that rhyme.

    • ◾ Word Scramble: Students use the details from the book to unscramble the words (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

    • ◾ 3-2-1: Students will describe three ways that the animals or insects in the book catch their lunch, explain two things they learned, and name one animal or insect they want to learn about and explain why.

    • ◾ Write & Illustrate a Poem: Students choose an animal or insect not featured in the book and write a four-line poem about it. Then they create an illustration to go with their poem.

    • ◾ Crossword Puzzle: Students use the clues and the word bank to fill in the crossword puzzle (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

    • ◾ Word Search Puzzle: Students use the clues to fill in the puzzle. Words can go across or down. Letters are shared when the words intersect (ANSWER KEY INCLUDED).

    • ◾ Bug-tastic Recipe: Students create a bug-based recipe. They will list the ingredients, write step-by-step cooking instructions, and draw a picture of your bug-inspired dish.

    • ◾ Crawly Café Menu: Students create a bug-based menu for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

    • ◾ Book Review: Students will rate and review the book.

    • ◾ Buggy Bites Around the World: Students will scan the QR code to learn more about people all over the world who eat bugs. Then, in the boxes on the map below, they will describe what bugs are eaten in each country.

    • ◾ Critter Research (3 versions are included): Students roll a die to see which insect or animal they will research to learn more about. Then, they conduct research using teacher-approved websites and informational texts to look for information to answer the provided questions.

    This resource is for extension read-aloud activities only. The book is not included.

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✨Be sure to check out my storefront here: https://teachsimple.com/contributor/creatively-gifted

Resource Tags

IRA picture book activities read aloud lessons interactive read aloud activities elementary reading reading comprehension Fountas and Pinnell IRA Family second grade Memory Stories

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