Bumper Pack of IR Phonic Worksheets LETRS Aligned; Science of Reading
Special Resources, ELA, Special Education Needs (SEN), Language Development, Phonics, Reading, Reading Comprehension
About This Product
This is a super pack of 43 ir phonic worksheets.
Fully differentiated you will find worksheets here suitable for every pupil and all abilities.
This set of worksheets takes the first from hearing the CK sound in words, to reading and writing longer passages: a fully comprehensive teaching aid, saving you time hunting around to find the right worksheets for each child - here it is, all in one pack.
These worksheets can be used with all synthetic phonic programmes, including RWI (Set 1 special friends), Letter and Sounds (Phase 3 set 3), and Jolly Phonics.
They do not require knowledge of any other digraphs.
They are aligned with the aims of LETRS, The Science of Reading and the standards set by the UK Gov.
The activities cover:
Speed reading
Tracking IR words
Reading IR words
Spelling IR words
Proofreading – a good way to help pupils to think about spelling patterns
Sentence reading
Reading comprehension activities with decodable passages
Activities to encourage sentence construction using IR words
In addition, there are 2 print n' play games to help easr learning the new concept will slip in while the children are having fun!
These worksheets are intended for anyone teaching IR (R-controlled) to students of any age or skill level, including adults, young children, EFL, and ESL.
In this pack you will find IR activities that are appropriate for people with special needs and all skill levels.
Except for those that are frequently taught prior to IR, the worksheets presume no prior knowledge of digraphs.
The IR worksheets are Ideal for intervention and special needs work.
They are ideal for practice assignments to supplement classwork
It is strongly advised that you select the activity that best fits the needs and abilities of each child.
These ‘ck’ worksheets are suitable for:
Pre-K, K and Grade 1 (or equivalents EYFS, and Y1).
Special Educational needs SEN/SEND
Private tutors
Included is a handy list of 'ck' words to help the teacher to plan lessons and activities.
Teaching notes are provided in the pack.
1 PDF file
60 worksheets
A4 size