IR Phonics Lesson
ELA, Reading, Phonics, Language Development, Pre-Reading, Special Resources, Special Education Needs (SEN)
About This Product
Here is taught lesson for the r-controlled digraph IR.
Suitable for all, but especially written for the special needs pupil, this lesson is short, clear, to the point, has no distracting background music, has no distracting imagery, so helping the child to focus on the sound to be learned.
The lesson begins by developing phonemic awareness of the new sound IR and a picture 'key' is provided to help the child remember the sound, one of the main difficulties when starting to learn the sound IR.
The lesson then progresses to help children to read words, by sounding them out first. Learning to read through spelling is a helpful way to concentrate the pupil's mind on the lesson and to engage the pupil. We not only use words with which the child is familiar, but include some less well known IR words in order to help the child spot IR in words and sound them out. This is important as many children with a need will sound a word out accurately, but then, if they do not recognise the word, try to change it into something they do recognise.
The lesson closes with an engaging task. One of the crucial tasks for the learner of IR is to spot the new sound in words and differentiate it from previously taught R - controlled words, such as AR and OR. For some children with special needs this is very hard. Therefore, this final activity asks the child to say which digraph each word contains as it floats onto the screen. The child is not required to read the words, but I find they like to! Of course, this is to be encouraged!
What is included:
One taught video lesson MP4
33 frames
Instructions: an adult should sit with the pupil for best effect - this is not an entertainment but specialist phonics instruction.
The video should be stopped as necessary and restarted when the pupil is ready to go on.