Cars Themed Token Boards | Behavior Management Boards

About This Product

Are you seeing an increase in refusals and overall disrespectful behaviors with your students? This set of Cars themed token boards are an effective and engaging tool that teaches students to manage their behavior. Token boards are a great visual for students to see their progress when making good choices and can help them see what they are working towards as a motivator!

Simply identify the target behavior you want to change and the replacement behavior you would like to see, then explain it to the student. Students are also then able to pick what reward they will receive when they reach their goal!

Simply print and laminate the token boards and chips. Then place velcro dots in all of the boxes and on each of the cards. When a student performs the desired task, they will get a token. When they reach 5 tokens, the student then can earn the reward that they had chosen. Reward reminders will be placed in the top right corner of the board so students can visually see what they are working for!

What's Included?

⭐ 12 Car Themed Boards

⭐30 Rewards Tokens

⭐15 Blank Rewards Tokens So Students Can Add Their Own

⭐10 Different Character Trackers

⭐Black and White Copies for Ink-Friendly Printing

Resource Tags

token boards classroom management behavior management tools reward ides for kids school counseling school counseling ideas token board ideas token boards for behavior

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