Circulatory,Digestive & Reproductive Systems: The Digestive System - From Stomach to Fuel - FLASH-PC

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The Circulatory, Digestive and Reproductive Systems: The Digestive System - From Stomach to Fuel - FLASH-PC

This product provides educators in the fifth to eighth grades with an indispensable tool in teaching about human body systems. It is of particular importance for explaining the journey of digestion—from stomach to fuel.

Core Areas:

  • Circulatory System
  • Digestive System
  • Reproductive System
This software works by offering a comprehensive approach towards learning complex subjects through engaging methods.

Included in its content are Reading Passages along with Before You Read and After You Read questions that are designed based on curriculum standards, ensuring seamless comprehension from one topic to the next.

Additional Features:

  • Printable materials for kinesthetic learners
  • Vocabulary flash cards that cater to visual learners,
This promotes inclusive education – enabling each learner's unique abilities. Interactive activities urging self-learning as well as group discussion capabilities enhance the overall learning experience by making science fun!
Note: There are video clips and audio snippets available directly within each lesson plan that significantly improve multimedia classroom experiences.

To save you preparation time, this software comes bundled together neatly in one zip file compatible specifically with PC software systems. It’s design is closely aligned with Common Core State Standards and carries Bloom’s Taxonomy principles within— aiding tremendously in teaching bodily processes confidently and effortlessly.


The primary goal of this product—the Circulatory, Digestive & Reproductive Systems: The Digestive System - From Stomach to Fuel - FLASH-PC—is helping educators deliver high-quality science education that engages young minds and encourages a natural sense of curiosity.

What's Included

1 zip file with PC software

Resource Tags

science assessment human body digestive system reading passage word search

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