Compare Linear Functions PowerPoint for 8th Grade Math Course 8.F.A.2

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Math, Algebra


Grade 8

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This editable PowerPoint covers requirements of the common core math course 8.F.A.2.


Meaning of linear function: For every input there is exactly one output and the graph is a straight line

Properties of linear functions: Two properties define linear function; rate of change and vertical intercept

Rate of change: recalling different terms that may be familiar for students

Vertical intercept: Where the graph meets the vertical axis, also know as the y-intercept

Different ways of representing a function: In this course, we will use equations, graphs, tables and verbal descriptions.

Rate of change: Equation Finding rate of change from an equation

Rate of change: Graph Finding rate of change from a graph using change of y (delta y) and change of x (delta x)

Rate of change: Table The example is about flight distance in miles and flight time. This example is a bit more challenging than the other ones.

Rate of change: Verbal description There is a real-life example about gasoline prices.

Vertical intercept: Equation Finding vertical intercept from an equation

Vertical intercept: Graph A simple example about finding y-intercept from a graph in xy-coordinate plane.

Vertical intercept: Table Two examples, of which the first one is easy and the second one requires some calculating.

Vertical intercept: Verbal description In this example, we use the same gasoline price example than earlier, and find out, that there is a $5 service cost in this station (vertical intercept).

Summary: Rate of change To get the rate of change, we usually need two samples. Then we calculate difference of outputs and divide it by difference of inputs.

Summary: Vertical intercept Summarizing how we find vertical intercepts in different situations.

There are 26 slides in this presentation.

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Resource Tags

Functions Rate of change Vertical intercept y-intercept Comparing functions Properties of linear functions Linear functions compare linear functions

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