Construction Hangman Game to Practice Vocabulary

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About This Product

Construction Vocabulary Words to Review and Reinforce Definitions of the CTE curriculum. Students will learn and practice Construction terms through definitions and characteristics. The engaging activity promotes collaboration and class discussion as students review terms of Construction tools, machinery, and more with multiple visuals and learning formats like multiple choice questions, memory games, hang-man, and others. This versatile resource can be used for whole-group instruction, small-group practice, or independent work, just practice the words and then review them by choosing the correct letters, it will self-correct you until you choose the correct ones. Students will learn important terms related to the construction industry while having fun playing hangman. The game reviews 17 key vocabulary words through slides and an end-of-presentation game. To play, students guess letters to try to reveal the mystery word. If they guess incorrectly, part of the "hangman" is drawn. Guess all the letters correctly before the hangman is fully drawn to win! This supplemental resource helps build pronunciation, spelling skills, concentration, and construction industry knowledge.


Practice Construction Vocabulary with this Free Interactive Game Introduce young learners to a variety of tools and machinery with this entertaining digital game. Students will see the names and images of different tools; exercising visual memory and concentration. This self-checking activity can be played independently or as a whole class game projected on a smartboard. The vibrant slideshow stimulates engagement while building construction classification skills. students will build their knowledge of important terms and definitions while having fun playing games. This activity stimulates intelligence, builds concentration, reinforces letter recognition, improves spelling and pronunciation, and engagingly expands vocabulary. It's a perfect supplement for any Construction lesson.


Check our shop, material, and products for more interactive construction vocabulary reviews covering other topics like human microbiome, metabolism, and more grade levels in science and Spanish language arts. Download this versatile 17-slide PowerPoint today!


Resource Tags

Construction Construction equipment Construction tools and instruments construction machinery construction material construction workers construction safety gear

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