Curriculum Map for Kindergarten - California

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About This Product

Curriculum Map for Kindergarten - California

Curriculum Map for Kindergarten - California is a specialized tool designed specifically for kindergarten educators in the state of California. This resource provides a detailed curriculum map covering all primary areas necessary for kindergarten education. These cover areas such as math, language arts, social studies, and science.

Holistic Approach

This resource takes a holistic approach, integrating different academic domains into one comprehensive map. It reflects on all major subjects that are commonly taught in the dynamic world of kindergartens. A few examples include:

  • Math:: Counting & Cardinality and Operations & Algebraic Thinking
  • Language Arts:: Writing strategies and comprehension skills
  • Social Studies:: Understanding how individuals relate to environmental factors
  • Science:: Learning about the structure and processes of living organisms
  • Flexibility in Customization

    This Curriculum Map's second remarkable aspect is its flexibility. Understanding that every educational setting has unique needs, it comes in an editable Excel format which allows you to customize it fully according to your needs.

    • If some standards don't match perfectly with your school or district's pace guide?
    • If you want to incorporate additional elements like art or music topics?
    Then this tool lets you do so freely!

    Suitability across Various Pedagogical Scenarios


    The curriculum map suits various teaching circumstances ranging from whole-group instruction down to tailored instruction paths in small groups.

    It can also serve as a structured guideline while designing homework tasks that align closely with objectives being instructed at any period throughout the academic year.


    Note: Although it's initially designed for Microsoft Excel Application; Mac users possessing the Numbers application can still easily access and use this file.

What's Included

1 editable Excel file

Resource Tags

curriculum planning interdisciplinary flexibility kindergarten education California standards

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