Do I Need To Tell The Teacher? A Lesson About Tattling Versus Reporting Plus Game!

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About This Product

In this Google Slideshow, students will learn about when to tell an adult for a big problem, when to solve a small (kid-sized) problem using Kelso's Choices or other strategies and when to mind their own business altogether. Read a book before this lesson such as A Bad Case Of Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook or Don't Squeal Unless It's A Big Deal by Jeanie Ransom or any one of your favorite books about the topic of tattling versus reporting. This is a topic that often needs repeating with various lessons for children!

There is a 6 slide presentation and a game with 24 scenarios. When students play the game, they will pull a card if they land on a "card" square and read the scenario (look at the picture), and decide if it is a big problem, a small problem, or just none of their business. The game and cards are shown after the game instruction slide. For the younger students who may have difficulty reading the words, you could print off the cards, mix them up, and have students come to you one at a time to choose a card, you can read it for them and they can share out loud in from of the class which type of situation it is. You can also have certain gestures for each type of problem and ask the entire class to motion what they think it is. You decide! The cards all have colorful pictures and words to describe the scenario.

What's Included

A 6 slide Google Slide PLUS fun game. Download the PDF and click on the image, you will be prompted to make a copy of my slideshow. Click yes.

Resource Tags

tattling reporting school counseling social-emotional learning conflict resolution tattle vs reporting don t squeal unless it's a big deal reporting vs tattling tattling versus telling tattle vs telling tattling vs reporting worksheet

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