Dollars and Cents Card Game

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Math, Money


Grade 3, 4



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About This Product

The Dollars and Cents Card Game

An engaging, skill-building resource for educators looking to incorporate an interactive element into their math curriculum. Focused on students in grade 3 and 4, the main areas of this game are money counting, change calculation and a variety of ways to demonstrate monetary values.

Educational Value

Besides its core learning components, this educational game melds learning with play, thereby enhancing not only mathematical competence but also fostering social-emotional growth among learners. The hands-on learning approach leads pupils towards the practice of imperative life skills in an engaging way. This game can be played both one-on-one or in small groups as per your classroom requirements or homework assignments.

Levels and Tasks

  • Two different skill levels plus a follow-up activity are offered within the scope of this game so players can consolidate what they learned during gameplay.
  • The follow-up task could be a real-world scenario: Calculating change starting from larger amounts which were accumulated during gameplay. This recap task reinforces understanding through immersive problem-solving experiences.
  • In addition to that, learners will cleverly showcase identical amounts using distinct combinations of bills & coins – all based on the dollar amount shown on their designated card – hence putting basic math principles into practical use.'

Note:You’ll need play money along with playing cards for best results.

Purchasing Insights

In purchasing this product you’ll also receive detailed instructions for implementation ease; inclusive are viable printables i.e., card organizers for both basic/advanced level games alongside dedicated Dollars & Cents worksheets/challenges per level; culminating finally with Calculating Change worksheets– facilitating grasp validation upon transactional math post gameplay.


Embark on an enjoyable and meaningful learning journey with your students. Use the Dollars and Cents Card Game to improve their understanding of mathematics in a playful, exploratory way. This comprehensive learning package not only connects various aspects of numeric academia but also provides learners with a thorough understanding of money and its implications, which extends beyond the classroom walls.

What's Included

5 worksheets

1 page of game play instructions

2 playing card organizers

Resource Tags

money math interactive educational game skill-building hands-on learning the study of dollars and cents

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