English Starter Pack | Beginner Lesson Plan
About This Product
This is a beginner lesson plan worksheet set for English Starter Pack. Start your English students on their journey to English proficiency with this basic starter pack. The starter pack is an early introduction to topics like greetings and introductions, telling the time, food and cooking, numbers, clothes, parts of the human body, family, countries, nationalities and home furniture and rooms.
Students will learn more about these and then complete the exercises to follow, which will assess their comprehension and understanding. Exercises include closed and open activities, matching words with images, writing drills and conversation prompts.
This starter pack ESL and TEFL worksheet is a great pre A1 resource to let your students get ahead before they begin the A1 course. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? Start to put the blocks in place right here as you introduce your students to lots of very basic words for vocabulary building. Very little prep is necessary, allowing you more time to focus your energy on your students.
This resource can also be accessed through Google Apps. Answer key included. It includes 24 ready to print PDF pages. The different topics can be taught at the same time or they can be divided up to teach in separate classes.