Faisons les courses - Comprehensive Lesson Plan - Listening Comprehension
About This Product
Faisons les courses - Comprehensive Lesson Plan - Listening Comprehension
Faisons les courses is a rich teaching resource designed to enhance French learning in Grades 9 through 12. This innovative tool focuses on developing listening comprehension skills and familiarizing students with ‘faire les courses’ vocabulary.
The lesson stems from a narrative wherein a French couple, en route to the supermarket, unexpectedly invites their American friends for lunch. Accompanying this content are three differentiated audio versions:
- an MP4 video file perfect for visual learners,
- two MP3 audio lectures varying in speed.
The instructional element expands beyond simple auditory practice. It includes student activity pages that delve into various aspects of grammar such as:
- Tenses (Présent, Futur Proche etc.),
- Reflexive Verbs,
- Descriptive Adjectives,
- Regular & Irregular Verbs among others.
To further fortify retention and understanding- there are PDFs comprised of 20 listen-and-answer comprehension questions answered both verbally (in MP3 format) and written (provided in PDF format), alongside equivalent vrai ou faux queries.
Inclusion & Differentiation Advantage
A powerful aspect underlying the realization of this toolkit resides with its design oriented toward differentiation ensuring inclusivity across diverse learner profiles—the slow articulation pace accords struggling learners valuable room for comfort while faster tracks bridge capable ones towards higher challenges.
Meticulous Alignment With Assessment Goals
Faisons les courses meticulously aligns instructional materials with assessment goals while addressing individual learning needs class-wide—a truly personable solution conceived by teachers themselves—for bridging classroom teachings alongside practical world scenarios rendering language acquisition not just efficient but enjoyable too!
What's Included
► Comprehensive lesson plan that makes it easy for you to carry out this activity with your students - See details in the preview
► MP4 video lecture - 12.5 minutes
► Slow MP3 audio lecture - 15 minutes
► Faster MP3 audio lecture - 10 minutes
► Transcript with important vocabulary highlighted and footnoted in English and French - 4 pages
► Quizlet study set to practice and master about 90 vocabulary words from the lecture
► PDF of 20 listening comprehension questions + answer key
► MP3 audio lecture of 20 listening comprehension questions without answers
► MP3 audio lecture of 20 listening comprehension questions with answers
► PDF of 20 vrai ou faux listening comprehension questions + answer key
► MP3 audio lecture of 20 vrai ou faux statements without answers
► MP3 audio lecture of 20 vrai ou faux statements with answers
► PDF to print and record extra new vocabulary learned during the lesson