Feelings Charades SEL Cubes

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Grade 1, 2, 3, 4





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About This Product

In this product, you will get 3 template">cube templates; a feelings cube, an animals cube, and a blank cube. Students will have fun putting these cubes together with glue or tape (I recommend cardstock for durability). Students roll the feelings and animals cube (without their class members seeing them), then first act out the animal, then just the feeling, then that animal having that feeling. (Or however you want to structure the charades.) Students cut, color and glue or tape sides of cubes together. Younger students will need assistance with putting the cubes together.

What's Included

3 cube templates; feelings, animals and blank.

Resource Tags

feelings emotions charades social-emotional learning school counseling SEL classroom community special education charades emotions therapy charades feelings charades cards feeling charades emotional charades emotions charades

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