First Multiplication Worksheets: Grade 1
About This Product
The First Multiplication Worksheets is the perfect printable 36-page workbook to introduce Grade 1 children to the somewhat tricky concept of multiplication.
This book can either be used as a workbook for a child to work through, or it can be used as discrete worksheets. The worksheets are in sequential order with concepts and skills building upon each other and they are intended to be used as such to provide the child with a secure foundation in math skills.
These books can be used alone or alongside another math programme for further practice activities.
This book follows our Number Worksheets 0 to 5.
Suitable for when:
Children are confident at adding and subtracting numbers to 20 and can count, read and write numbers to 100.
To gently lead children into multiplication as repeated adding
Outline and steps
Children are introduced to repeated adding and counting in 2's, 10's and 5's as a way of doing so quickly.
We then progress to changing adding to the ' lots of' form.
Then by use of a method I devised to help my pupils, which is explained in the free video to move from that to the use of the multiplication sign.
The worksheets then give practice in the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and counting in 2's 5's and 10's with at least four fun activities devoted to each.
Who can use this Beginning Multiplication workbook?
This book is not just a set of worksheets, it is intended as a maths course and can follow on from our counting 0 to 5 and Counting 6 to 10 workbooks.
They are suitable for both class and home use,
They can be used as home-education curriculum material.
It can also be used by private tutors.
It can be used as supplementary material to support another curriculum and to give further practice as needed.
Special features
A simple layout and minimal text make it suitable for young/special needs children. The teacher can read the text, or early readers will find the minimal text and clear font easy to read.
Lots of repetition to build confidence
A gradual approach that suits learners of all abilities.
What format does this book come in?
This book is a PDF file, with 38 pages.
Who is this math book suitable for?
It was written with the K/Y1 - 1/Y2 child in mind but has been used with older children with special needs.
What is included?
1 PDF 36 Worksheets
See also: