FL Consonant Blend PowerPoint

About This Product
Here is a fun, animated PowerPoint to help teach the consonant blend 'fl' with supporting resources including a follow-up worksheet. Your consonant blend lesson is all ready for you!
The FL consonant blend PowerPoint enables teachers and parents to introduce consonant blends in a fun way.
To help children to blend the sounds 'f' and 'l' to make 'fl'.
To help children to hear and feel the 'fl' blend at the beginning of words.
Go on an adventure with FLAPPY FLY as she FLIES over the FLOWERS. the FLATS, the FLAG. But then, Oh no! A FLASH of lightning. Flappy Fly flies for cover under a FLOPPY leaf. She sees the FLOOD and hangs on tightly not wishing to FLOAT away! But out comes the sun and Flappy FLY flies off again!
What is included in the fl consonant blends PowerPoint?
A 9-slide animated PowerPoint telling the story of Flappy Fly: Please play with the PowerPoint before using it with your class to see how the animation works. Click to activate the animations or progress to the next slide (you will find out what happens as you click!)
9 slides focusing on the blending of the sounds 'F' and 'R' and looking at FR words in the story and retelling the story
1 slide: Find the words that begin with FL - the pictures spin if correct.
1 fun worksheet to use as a follow-up activity - colour the things that begin with 'fl'.
A PDF transcript of the story, slide by slide. This story is also written under each slide to be viewed in presentation mode (Go to slide show and click three dots at the bottom left to go to presentation mode.)
Who is the FL consonant blend PowerPoint for?
All children of any age
Special needs children
Who can use the FL Powerpoint?
Home educators
Private tutors
Anyone who is teaching consonant blends to anyone!
I created this FL consonant blend PowerPoint to engage the attention of a late-speaking 8-year-old, who is having difficulty hearing consonant blends. He had already studied phonics before and failed, so was disillusioned. It worked. He loved it! Find more, coming soon, in my shop: Lilibettes Resources.