French Connect 4 Game - Halloween

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Grade 6, 7, 8, 9



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About This Product

The French Connect 4 Game - Halloween

This is a truly engaging teaching resource specifically designed for students from Grade 6 to Grade 9. It perfectly blends festive fun and valuable language practice through interactive gameplay.

Aim of the game:

The key focus of this game is to familiarize learners with popular verbal phrases in French tied to the theme of Halloween. This introduces students to thrilling vocabulary like:

  • 'faire peur à' (to scare)
  • 'se déguiser en' (to disguise as),
  • 'jouer un tour à' (to play a trick on), and more.

All are relevant within the holiday context- an enjoyable way for learners to grasp these phrases!

Gameplay strategy:

To win this competitive Connect 4 game, participants must strategise how they can connect four boxes while using suitable conjugated forms of said above verbal phrases. Fostering reflexive thinking with linguistic comprehension during gameplay. A twist - subject pronouns are neatly listed on one end for ease, limiting guesswork!

Creativity meets education:

Garnished by creativity, this remarkable resource comes complete with an impressive board boasting over sixty different Halloween costume inspirations ensuring varied engagement each round. The beautifully illustrated board only enhances the playing experience, rendering it visually appealing for young learners.

Included in every purchase:
  1. Two PDF files: These contain detailed instructions so teachers can guide effortless ply sessions whether it's whole group instruction or small literacy circles or individual homework assignments—reinforcing interactive language learning beyond conventional boundaries.

  2. Answer key: Every package wraps up with an answer key for immediate self-assessment after game rounds, encouraging reinforcement of correct answers without delaying gratification for successful players who’ve connected four boxes correctly!

What's Included

2 PDFs

Resource Tags

French Connect 4 Halloween Verbal phrases Vocabulary

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