French: Tongue Twisters- Activities
About This Product
French: Tongue Twisters- Activities
With this resource, your intermediate students will enjoy practicing their French pronunciation and fluency.
The lesson:
Your students will start by working out what a "Virelangue" is.
They will discover 12 illustrated French Tongue twisters, and be able to hear each of them three times, at different speed, and will have fun trying to repeat after the French native speaker.
They can then move on to completing the range of activities:
-Match up the French to the English
-Write the letter corresponding to the Tongue Twister that you hear
-Fill in the gap with the correct word to complete the Tongue Twister
-Listen and complete the Tongue Twister orally (whole class activity)
-Write the translation in French
-Give the correct French Tongue Twister (pair speaking activity)
The 12 Tongue Twisters:
1. Le ver vert va vers le verre vert
2. Mais pas du tout, dit le tatou
3. La robe rouge de Rosalie est ravissante
4. Une bête noire se baigne dans une baignoire noire
5. Lily lit le livre dans le lit
6. Son chat chante sa chanson
7. Dans ta tente, ta tante t'attend
8. Cinq chiens chassent six chats
9. Trois tortues trottaient sur un trottoir très étroit
10. Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflent sur vos têtes
11. Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien
12. Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archi-sèches!
What is included in the .zip folder:
a PowerPoint presentation of 26 slides + its .pdf version
12 audio files of the Tongue twisters (also embedded in the PPT)
a 2-page worksheet with activities (.pdf and docx versions)
a version of the worksheet with answers (.pdf and .docx versions)
a noughts and crosses game (.pdf version only)
2 audio files for Listening and Speaking activities