Grade 3 NUMBER and OPERATIONS - FRACTIONS Worksheets | Camping Theme
About This Product
Attention campers! Head to your nearest learning center for a fun-filled opportunity to strengthen your math skills. With this set of 10 worksheets, you’ll work your way through a variety of grade 3 mathematics concepts that focus on NUMBER AND OEPRATIONS, specifically with FRACTIONS. The camping theme is sure to have you engaged as you solve problems about forest animals, camping activities, and delicious food cooked over a campfire. Your camp leaders will find these worksheets beneficial for assessments, supplements to classroom learning, and/or summertime review. They can be used with large or small groups or as individual learning assignments. If laminated and used with wipe-off markers, they make the perfect addition to math learning centers or resource activities. Need a quick activity for a rainy day or a last-minute substitute fill-in, the black and white, print and go format makes for easy prep work. Not only that, but as an added bonus, an answer key is provided. Included with the fractions worksheets are 5 multiplication worksheets that focus on facts 0-12. They are a great way for your third graders to practice their essential multiplication skills. Equations are presented in vertical and horizontal fashion, as well as with missing variables, and in word problem format. Details of each worksheet can be found below.
WORKSHEET 1: Learners will solve multiplication equations 0-3.
WORKSHEET 2: Learners will use forest animals to identify fractions with shaded graphics and shade fraction wheels based on given fractions.
WORKSHEET 3: Learners will solve a variety of multiplication equations 4-6 with canoeing, fishing, and hiking themes.
WORKSHEET 4: Learners will identify and label fractions on number lines.
WORKSHEET 5: Learners will solve multiplication equations 7-9 while working their way through a hiking maze.
WORKSHEET 6: Learners will identify equivalent fractions using fraction bars and fraction wheels.
WORKSHEET 7: Learners will solve multiplication equations 10-12.
WORKSHEET 8: Learners will compare fractions using shaded graphics, word problems, and fraction wheels.
WORKSHEET 9: Learners will solve multiplication equations 0-12.
WORKSHEET 10: Learners will solve word problems involving fractions at summer camp.
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