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3rd Grade Math Assessment Set 3

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About This Product

This math review is perfect for a quick assessment. The math concepts covered are addition, subtractions, subtract across 0s, rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, basic multiplication and division facts, word problems, fractions, polygons, perimeter, and area.

It was made for 3rd graders, but it could also work for 4th-6th grades as a beginning of the year review or for struggling students.

With this assessment students will be given the following questions.

-There are 3 addition problems with 3 and 4 digits.

-There are 3 subtraction problems with 3 and 4 digits. These also include subtracting across zeroes.

-There are 2 rounding problems. One is rounding to the nearest 10 and one to 100.

-There are 3 multiplication problems.

-There are 3 division problems.

-There are 3 word problems. Space is given for students to show their work.

-There is 1 fraction problem that has 4 parts to it. Students have to color in the fractional parts of the circle. They also have to write the fraction for each color.

-There are 3 problems where students name the polygon and give an attribute.

-There are 3 perimeter problems.

-There are 3 area problems, including 1 rectilinear problem.

What's Included

There are 4 student pages with a total of 27 problems.

There is space for students to show their work - I highly encourage this!

An answer key is provided to allow for quick grading.

Resource Tags

addition subtraction multiplication division fractions word problems polygons perimeter area 3rd grade math review 3rd grade math assessment

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