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Grammar: Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex

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Grade 6, 7, 8, 9, 10





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About This Product

This 10 page package has all the information you need to teach your middle school or high school students about grammar and sentence writing.

It starts off with a review of the parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc) and the two kinds of conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating). Students are tasked with thinking of examples for each part of speech.

Next, subjects and predicates and independent and dependent clauses are reviewed. Did you know you can have a subject and a predicate, but it isn't a complete sentence? That's a dependent clause!

There are a variety of practice activities for students to work on to master this information before moving on to types of sentences.

Four types of sentences are introduced: simple, complex, compound, and compound-complex. Colour-coding is used to high-light the salient parts of speech that help identify each kind of sentence, but the pages can of course be printed in black and white as well.

Another page of practice activities follows to help reinforce these new ideas.

Finally, students are tasked with writing a brief newspaper article about an exciting topic (there are six choices and you can add more of your own too). They need to included at least one of each type of sentence and colour-code them to show their identification skills.

A complete answer key for all of the worksheets is also included.

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What's Included

A variety of practice activities are included:

- Labelling parts of speech

- Sorting conjunctions

- Identifying clauses, subjects, predicates, & types of sentences

- Combining clauses into sentences

- Writing a paragraph with different sentence types


Resource Tags

sentences parts of speech clauses subject and predicate grammar sentence nouns compound sentence complex sentence sentence writing simple compound complex sentence worksheet types of sentences compound complex simple compound and simple sentences types of sentences quiz simple, compound, complex types of sentences simple types of sentences compound types of compound sentences simple compound complex and compound-complex sentences worksheet simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences grammar types of sentences simple compound and complex sentences worksheet with answer key pdf complex sentence identification what are simple complex and compound sentences types of sentences compound complex simple, compound and complex sentences worksheets compound complex and simple sentences types of sentences simple compound and complex compound complex sentences games compound complex and simple sentences worksheets sentence types simple compound complex and compound-complex compound sentence worksheets 5th grade compound sentence and complex sentence simple compound sentences worksheet sentence types practice worksheet simple compound complex and compound complex sentences practice simple compound and complex simple compound complex compound complex complex sentences worksheets 5th grade sentence types simple compound complex simple complex compound sentences worksheet simple complex related compound simple complex sentences types of sentences simple compound complex what is a simple compound compound sentences worksheets 5th grade simple or compound sentence worksheet types of sentences simple compound complex compound-complex simple compound complex compound complex sentences worksheet compound complex sentence practice simple and compound sentences worksheets 7th grade simple complex and compound sentences worksheet simple compound and complex sentences worksheet

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