Hedgehogs and Porcupines PE Game

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About This Product

Title: Hedgehogs and Porcupines PE Game

Reducing assessment stress is easier now with the Hedgehogs and Porcupines PE Game. This is part of a series of goal-assessment rubrics designed to simplify grading for teachers while making interpretation simple for students. Derived from comprehensive skill components, it includes printer-friendly versions suitable for creating color posters or black-and-white copies.

Rubric Details:

  • Rubrics are provided for an array of locomotor skills such as running, skipping, leaping, galloping, side sliding, hopping, and horizontal jump.
  • The thoughtfully crafted resources come with engaging activities enhanced by student-friendly visual aids.

These include detailed graphics and illustrations along with clear cut set-up instructions that not only aids in fostering various elementary-to-middle school levels but also can be intelligently adapted even to high school levels.


  1. Provides fun yet challenging physical education games that encourage maximum volume of physical activity (MVPA), thereby contributing towards the enhancement of cardiovascular fitness among students.
  2. In creating the games around this product, diversity was crucially considered hence they are capable of accommodating learners having a broad range of abilities.

This fascinating asset delivers ample opportunities to hone various skills such as catching, throwing, kicking etc., these games help stimulate hand-eye coordination as well as improve agility & accuracy in students.

Hedgehogs and Porcupines PE Game, designed to bring life to any gym size irrespective of equipment availability; teachers can flexibly incorporate them into single or multiple classes simultaneously.
Additionally,it can play a pivotal role during recess play at schools making it fun-filled while keeping kids active and focused alongside acting as substantial small-group activities during events like Field Days.

Lesson Plan:

The carefully curated lesson plan identifiers conforms well with unique PE planning procedure covering all critical components required when teaching large group games.Additionally they assure continuous student engagement year after year while enabling them develop essential physical education skills through thoroughly explained guides impeccably presented in an easy-to-understand format completed by set-up diagrams.

By implementing Hedgehogs and Porcupines PE Game, teachers can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that physical education classes are organised, engaging and beneficial to every student.

What's Included

1 PDF with 4 ready to print pages

Resource Tags

Hedgehogs Porcupines PE Game Rubrics Physical Activity

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