How to Write a Paragraph: Narrative, Persuasive and Informative Paragraphs - FLASH-MAC

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Grade 5, 6, 7, 8



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About This Product

"How to Write a Paragraph: Narrative, Perspective and Informative Paragraphs - FLASH-MAC"

An essential instructive resource for educators diving into the domain of essay structuring and academic writing. The primary emphasis of this software lies in its Graphic Organizer feature that assists students in composing three distinctive types of paragraphs—narrative, persuasive, and informative.

Synchronizing with the Common Core State Standards and structured as per Bloom's Taxonomy learning objectives, this teaching tool provides comprehensive skill development suitable for students in Grade 5-8.

The exclusive features include:
  • User-friendly nature permitting learners to literally drag-and-drop suitable words from a specified list into their selected paragraph structure.
  • Tactile interactivity fostering increase in learning retention.
  • Catalyzes active engagement of students while constructing meaningful sentences.

This novel tool has multi-fold uses within class activities—suitable both for large-scale group work or small-scale cooperative sessions. With focus on Language Arts and writing skills impartation, 'How To Write A Paragraph' emerges as a pivotal curriculum supplement.

Favorable especially for those teachers crafting language arts assignments at home due to Flash-Mac's smoothly navigable interface. It can be deployed not only during planning stages but also during live online classes. The provision as a zip file adds more convenience—it allows easy downloadability maintaining privacy within your MAC system's local storage until needed.

Beyond Classroom Parameters:

"How to Write A Paragraph", being proactive learners' companion is not just limited to the classroom but well adapts outside school hours too! As homework tasks or additional practice assignments fulfilling independent study routines adopted by modern day young learners.

In essence, it covers several measures to lay a strong foundation in enhancing writing capabilities among middle-grade children. All the while abiding by curricula guidelines laid out by educational governance bodies worldwide. This product promises organised Language Arts development aptly expresses through technology proficiency.

What's Included

1 zip file with MAC software

Resource Tags

narrative persuasive informative paragraphs writing

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