Intro to US Unit of Measurements
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This is a 49 page PowerPoint which is a complete teaching lesson. This is a 5th grade lesson which covers the Common Core Standard: Measurement and Data 5.MD Convert like measurement units within a given meaurement system. 1. Convert among differnt-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement sysytem and using these conversions in solving multi-step and real world problems. Students will be taken through the US units of measure for capacity (cup, pint, quart, gallon), length (feet, miles, yards), and weight or mass (ounces, pounds, tons.) Students are given the conversions as well as real world examples for each unit of meausure. Students are also given a number line representation for comparison. A flow-chart type of model is used to show students how to convert from one unit of meaure to another. Plenty of examples are given as well as having many problems for students to try on their own. There are plenty of examples and "try these" problems for converting with capactity before moving on to length and then plenty of practice with length before moving on to weight. You are free to omit some slides and practice depending on your student's skill level and understanding. The final slide contains an exit ticket to assess understanding.