Iowa State Flipbook (Capital, Bird, Flower, Flag, Animal)

About This Product

Iowa State Flipbook (Capital, Bird, Flower, Flag, Animal)

This instructional resource presents an engaging and hands-on approach to enlightening students about the state of Iowa and its important symbols. The Iowa State Flipbook is an exceptional tool for teachers in public schools or homeschool settings.

It focuses on five cardinal state elements:

  • The Capital city
  • The official Bird species
  • The unique State Flower
  • Its Flag and recognized Animal.
    • This aligns perfectly to a unit study on U.S. states where Iowa happens to be in focus or simply forming part of learning more extensively about Midwest or American history.

      "It prompts critical thinking skills as learners can research information through this platform."

      Printing & Design Options:
      Offering convenience with two printing options - one requiring cutting while another doesn't; meeting diverse user needs. There are also two design versions - complete with illustrations and without - offering flexibility that caters to various preferences.

      About The Flipbook:
      1. A package of four flipbooks total,
      2. Inclusive of 37 PDF pages,
          • Includes instructions for easy assembly even within a short timeframe.

      This resource seamlessly integrates different disciplines

      • Literacy: English Language Arts including comprehension skills development through reading passages alongside spelling exercises tied into writing tasks. 
Literacy: Geography supplemented by analyses of maps.
Science: Discussions related to state flowers and birds. Social Studies: Primarily concentrates on US History.

      A different perspective wouldn't be complete without differentiated Instruction. Resources are curated according to learner types

      • Incorporating visual aids such as videos,
      • Reading materials for written word learners,
      • Affording interactive activities for kinesthetic learners, and even
      • Research report pages bolstering skills development in writing.
      • You'll certainly appreciate the low prep feature this product offers along with its wider scope of American history. It's a valuable addition to your instructional resources.

What's Included

37 PDF pages

Instructions for 4 easy-to-assemble flipbooks

2 printing options (cutting and no cutting)

2 design options (pictures and without pictures)

7 topics (Iowa's state capital and other facts, state bird, state flower, state flag, state animal, state map, and KWL)

Resource Tags

Iowa State Flipbook Symbols Cross-curricular learning Visual aids iowas state animal iowa's state animal what is iowa's state bird what is iowa's state animal iowas state bird iowas state flower iowa's state bird

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