James y el melocotón gigante - Kit de Literatura Gr. 3-4

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James y el Melocotón Gigante - Kit de Literatura Gr. 3-4

An extensive resource crafted to enhance reading comprehension skills among students in the 3rd and 4th grades, this kit employs the captivating tale of a young boy named James and his insect pals. This educational tool compels students to answer high-level reflection questions, thereby strengthening their narrative understanding.

Noteworthy Feature

The unique feature of this kit lies in its focus on internalizing elements of magical realism within the story. Students are pushed to think about what would happen if magic peaches could effect changes across different life forms - be they human, insect or animal.

Creative Learning

To ignite creativity among learners, an activity in this resource pack encourages them to utilize alliteration while describing an object or event from the book. This strategy provides a fun opportunity for engaging with language arts while exploring Roald Dahl's fantastical universe deeper

  • SQAP charts for various characters aid in better understanding narrative structures.
  • Word search puzzles help improve vocabulary knowledge.
  • Crosswords provide a shift from explicit learning yet ensure that they stay connected within James' extraordinary journey.


This comprehensive kit also includes post-study comprehension quizzes along with answer keys that correspond with your state standards.

In inclusive part besides passage-readings these PDFs comprise intriguing narratives about James' adventure from England through Atlantic Ocean atop his enormous peach drawn by numerous seagulls finally landing atop New York's Empire State building where every tiny companion finds adventurous lives carrying an air of intrigue which induces curiosity amongst new readers about plot progression and character development.

This Kit is tailor-made for Spanish language learners to bolster their reading comprehension abilities, thus proving useful for public school teachers and homeschooling parents alike. It caters to a range of situations – from full group reading sessions to delegated homework, ensuring ample adaptability in its application.

What's Included

Contains 1 Product File

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