Kindergarten 100th day of School Printable Activities

An educational teaching resource from Soumara Siddiqui entitled Kindergarten 100th day of School Printable Activities downloadable at Teach Simple.
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About This Product

Kindergarten 100th day of School Printable Activities is a great resource to celebrate the 100th day of school with your students!

Students will have a blast on their 100th day as they write, count, build a crown, perform a word search, do an anagram, search and find objects, and more!

Includes printable crown, badges, and bracelets to wear on their 100th day of school!

Activities included in this resource are:

✅100 days of school brag tags

✅How I write my name on the 100th day

✅search and count for items to add them up to one hundred.

✅5 printable bracelets that can be colored, cut, and worn that represent one hundred items

✅100 days smarter printable crown to use as a craftivity (print on card stock or reinforce with construction paper for durability)

✅Boy and girl templates to write about what they would do if they had 100 pieces of the the same item

✅2 one hundred day writing prompts

✅100 chart with missing numbers to be filled in.

✅Counting by ten to reach a hundred

✅Circle the number one hundred every time it is seen!

✅Anagram for the word one hundred

✅100th day word search

✅100th day sentences

✅Happy 100th day coloring award

✅answer key

Please view the thumbnail to get an idea of what the worksheets will look like. You can use any or all of these activities individually, with pairs, centers, or groups of students.

May your students have a blast!

What's Included

1 PDF File | 20 Pages

Resource Tags

100th day activities 100th day worksheets 100th day crown 100th day math 100th day writing 100th day of school activities for 2nd graders 100 day school projects kindergarten 100th day of school kindergarten 50 days of school kindergarten 100 days of school word search 100 day of school activities for 2nd grade 100th day of school sign kindergarten 100 days of school 100 day school activities kindergarten

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