Lawn Boy novel by Gary Paulsen - Book Companion

About This Product

The Lawn Boy Book Companion

The Lawn Boy book companion for the novel by renowned author Gary Paulsen provides teachers a powerful tool to spark entrepreneurial spirit among middle school and upper elementary students. It interestingly ties Social Studies into English Language Arts (ELA), walking students through the journey of the protagonist, Lawn Boy, who builds a successful business from his grandfather's lawn mower.

What This Product Offers:

  • A comprehensive teacher plan that's easy to implement.
  • Interactive Google Slides for hands-on learning.
  • Versatile implementation options including group discussions and assignments.

Google Slides Edition:

This edition enhances engagement with comprehension questions from text excerpts. Focusing on this enhances reading understanding while simultaneously introducing students to different economic principles like shares, stock splits and buy-sell basics.

  • Finance-related Vocabulary: The product boosts vocabulary development in Language Arts with newly introduced financial terms which students apply in sentences for enhanced retention.
  • Stock Market Basics exposure & Activity: Students get an introductory peek at stock market dynamics through an engaging activity tracking chosen stocks' performance over time.
  • Digital & Printable Assignments: The materials come in two versions - digital Google Slide format and black-and-white printable version - accommodating various teaching styles preference.

Analytical Opportunities:

Social studies content meets ELA with opportunities to analyze business decisions and relationships - central themes of the novel enabling meaningful understanding of social science amidst regular English language study sessions. +
An included answer key aids educators quickly gauge comprehension after each session, ensuring optimal engagement and completion of each ELA lesson.

What's Included

teacher plans

skill based lessons

finance vocabulary

answer key

Google Slides edition for students

black and white print .pdf option

exposure to the stock market on a beginner level

Resource Tags

entrepreneurship book companion Gary Paulsen Social Studies financial literacy lawn boy quotes

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