Learn about the Science behind being Happy

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Grade 6, 7, 8





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About This Product

If you get this booklet, you can learn everything about what happiness means. Did you know there is science behind it? Discover everything behind the science of happiness with games, activities, and a chance to be creative, putting together their own happiness journal. 

Activities Include:

  1. What in the world makes you happy – Use these pages to discover your current happiness levels, what happiness means, and what you can do to make yourself even more happy.

  2. Think about happiness – Worksheets to explore strengths and explore the science behind why optimistic people are happier.

  3. Can other people make you happy – Use these pages to uncover who you are most grateful for and create a craft showcasing gratefulness to give to someone special.

  4. Do a Happiness experiment – Use these pages to experiment to discover what makes people happier.

  5. Make a Plan to be Happy – Use these pages to create a 30-day happiness plan.

Resource Tags

science happiness research scinec

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