Let's Chat Conversation Cards | "If You Don't Fit In, Make Your Own Category"
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Let's Chat Conversation Cards: "If You Don't Fit In, Make Your Own Category"
The Let's Chat Conversation Cards help build positive mindsets in students. They promote kindness, perseverance, respect, responsibility, and achievement. Students engage in meaningful conversations to understand different perspectives and strengthen friendships.
This specific resource is a set of conversation cards focused on the theme "If You Don't Fit In, Make Your Own Category." It is part of a larger Let's Chat program with over 50 other themed card sets available. Matching signage and family connection materials in English and Spanish are also available.
Data shared by partner district Meridian Public Schools showed improved outcomes for students using these resources alongside PBIS: 12% higher GPAs, 37% better attendance, and 93% fewer referrals.
The Respectful Ways program provides trauma-informed support: assessing school climate needs via survey to target social-emotional modules to students; offering customized teacher workshops utilizing school data; and integrating seamlessly with instructional frameworks like PBIS using research-based strategies.
To learn more, contact Pam@RespectfulWays.com or 404-955-8882.
What's Included
1 zip file with:
8 PDFs
2 Word docs
- Printable Let's Chat cards
- The Promise Pledge
- one-page Lesson Plan
- Standards for American School Counselor Association and Common Core
- Printable student award
- Home Connects in English and Spanish
Resource Tags
SEL lesson plan
conversation cards
Respectful Ways
make your category
social emotional learning
character education
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