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Let's Chat Conversation Cards | "Love Yourself First and Foremost"

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About This Product

Let's Chat Conversation Cards for "Love Yourself First and Foremost" is a social-emotional learning resource that builds a positive student mindset. The trauma-informed Let's Chat program strengthens relationships and fosters understanding through open conversations. This specific resource includes conversation starter cards to promote self-love and self-care. Educators can facilitate small or large group discussions using the cards to teach perspectives on self-worth. The complementary signage and home connect letters engage the whole school community. Data shows the Let’s Chat program, when combined with PBIS, helps students get better grades, attend more classes, and have fewer referrals. The program is customizable using school climate surveys and professional development. Let's Chat seamlessly integrates with multi-tiered systems of support. To learn more about implementing Let’s Chat schoolwide, contact

What's Included

1 zip file with:

8 PDFs

2 Word docs


- Printable Let's Chat cards

- The Promise Pledge

- one-page Lesson Plan

- Standards for American School Counselor Association and Common Core

- Printable student award

- Home Connects in English and Spanish

Resource Tags

Spanish SEL Conversation Cards Respectful Ways love yourself self-love trauma-informed social emotional learning Let's Chat respect

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