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Let's Chat Conversation Cards | "Stick Up For Each Other"

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About This Product

Let's Chat Conversation Cards for "Stick Up For Each Other" is a social-emotional learning resource that builds a positive mindset in students. Through real conversations and understanding different perspectives, students strengthen friendships and believe they can be compassionate, persevere, and achieve great things with respect and responsibility. This set of 57 conversation starter cards gives students the opportunity to discuss this month's theme of sticking up for one another. Matching signage and optional home connection letters in English and Spanish engage the whole school community. Assessments show the Let's Chat program, along with PBIS, helps improve GPAs, attendance, and behavior when implemented effectively. This trauma-informed curriculum integrates well with multi-tiered systems of support. Use for whole-group lessons, small-group discussions, or independent reflections.

What's Included

1 zip file with:

8 PDFs

2 Word docs


- Printable Let's Chat cards

- The Promise Pledge

- one-page Lesson Plan

- Standards for American School Counselor Association and Common Core

- Printable student award

- Home Connects in English and Spanish

Resource Tags

SEL Conversation Cards Respectful Ways Spanish Stick up for each other social emotional learning compassion Let's Chat character education trauma-informed

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