Lucy Calkins Writing for 4th Grade | Unit 1: Interpreting Characters

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ELA, Writing


Grade 4

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About This Product

Lucy Calkins Writing for 4th Grade | Unit 1: Interpreting Characters

This is a comprehensive teaching resource, specifically designed for fourth-grade learners, focusing on language arts and more specifically, the skill of writing. It offers an invaluable guide to help students build their understanding and interpretation of characters.

The curriculum offers over 371 PowerPoint slides , loaded with all the materials required to deliver inspiring lessons. This content covers key themes such as:

  • Connection
  • Teaching Point
  • Active Engagement

In addition, this unit includes valuable resources like mid-workshop pointers and homework assignments that further strengthen what is learned during sessions.

The Structure of Lessons - In Detail

The program consists of meticulously planned out 21 sessions, all aime at helping students understand character interpretation in writings better. Each session, in itself opens up opportunities for teaching theoretical concepts and their practical applications in real-life scenarios.

A Highly Flexible Learning Resource Tool

This richly-packed unit can be adapted according to the teacher's plan - applied inclusively within big group settings or among limited study circles - discretion solely remains with the educator.

Beyond Just Classroom Teaching Strategies
In Conclusion: Not just another learning module...

In essence,

What's Included

371-slide PowerPoint

Resource Tags

writing characters interpretation curriculum language arts

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