Measurement: Temperature & Currency - Practice the Skill 3 - MAC Software

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About This Product

Measurement: Temperature & Currency - Practice the Skill 3

A comprehensive, curriculum-aligned MAC software developed for educators to enhance their teaching of Measurement concepts at Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 levels.

This quality resource focuses on Temperature and Currency, two vital areas of study in Measurement packed with engaging practice activities.

Exclusive Features:

  • An interactive chapter mini that offers top-level educational content.
  • -Practice-the-skill timed drill activities invite students to actively participate by adding up values for provided coins.
  • -Drills that incorporate real-life images as supportive visual aids allowing better concept grasp by linking tangible objects from daily life scenarios.
  • -Math tools embedded in the software promote mathematical proficiency among learners fostering a pedagogic environment where students can explore mathematics principles autonomously.
  • The product also caters to bilingual classrooms or Spanish speaking students as it includes both English default voice overs and text as well as Spanish variations. This aid bridges language barriers within diverse learning environments effectively.

The courseware meets Common Core State Standards (CCSS), aligns with Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) initiatives supporting teachers with resources backed by national guidelines ensuring effective interdisciplinary instruction strategies across subjects including Mathematics.

This tool allows implementation flexibility whether it may be leading classroom discussions during whole-group instructions or enforcing understanding further during small-group lessons or even assigning for homework practice.

Zipped Software Package:

The MAC-exclusively compatible single ZIP file simplifies access whether at home or school dedicating valued time more towards enriching minds rather than intricate setups. An essential asset within any potent educator's repertoire promoting Quality Education for all.

What's Included

1 zip file with MAC software

Resource Tags

digital math math lesson plan temperature currency math skills

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