Mindfulness Brain Break Song 2: Sunflower Skies

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About This Product

Mindfulness Brain Break Song 2: Sunflower Skies is a musical mindfulness resource for educators to use with students. This presentation slide features an embedded calming song that can be played during the school day when students need a brain break to refocus their minds and bodies. The melody of Sunflower Skies nurtures students' spirits through its soothing instrumentals and lyrics. Educators can utilize this quick musical brain break in a variety of settings such as whole-group instruction, small-group work, or as a transition during the school day. The soothing nature of the song helps students practice mindfulness and self-regulation skills while enjoying the calming benefits of music. This versatile musical resource provides a positive tool for refocusing student attention and promoting their overall wellbeing.

What's Included

1 PowerPoint with 1 interactive slide

Resource Tags

mindfulness brain break music songs back to school

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