Multiplication and Division on a Numberline Activity

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Grade 3





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About This Product

Multiplication and Division on a Numberline Activity

Designed as an ideal learning asset to Grade 3 classrooms, the Multiplication and Division on a Numberline Activity bridges the core concepts of multiplication and division with robust number line activities. The content includes 16 detailed multiplication fact cards alongside equally intriguing sets of 16 division fact cards, suiting both public school teachers and homeschoolers alike.

A Flexible Learning Resource

What sets this resource apart is its flexibility. It can be utilized for solo exercises like scoot games where students record answers on provided sheets or during instructor-led group sessions focusing on specific equation resolutions.

  • In small cooperative learning settings, students could collaboratively solve problems while doodling their solution strategies upon laminated dry-erase number lines.
  • The resource promotes hands-on learning through its adaptability within various classroom environments, including conventional paper-based resources or laminated dry-erase number lines for small group work.

Educational Standards Alignment

This resource aligns well with prevalent educational standards including:

  1. VA SOLs (3.4)
  2. Common Core (3.OA.A1 & 3.OA.A2) equations
  3. Texas standards (3.4)
  4. ,

It helps educators to meet multiple state-dictated curricula while facilitating comprehensive arithmetic literacy development among young learners..

Bonus Features Upon Purchase

    Larger printable number lines fit for small study groups.. "
  • Student answer sheets devoted to recording findings.
  • . "
  • Keys offering correct breakout solutions aimed at assuring accurate understanding of fundamental multiplication and division axioms by every participating pupil.
  • .

The Multiplication and Division on a Numberline Activity functions as multifaceted tool best employed by progressive educators aiming to instill broad arithmetic insights within their scholars while pushing towards achievable mastery in all mathematical principles across nearly every learning environment.

Resource Tags

number lines multiplication division interactive activity math

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