Multiplication and Division on a Number Line Task Cards

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About This Product

One of the ares students struggle with the most with multiplication is multiplication on a number line. There are 20 task cards in this product, 10 on multiplication and 10 on division. They come in a full color version and printer-friendly black and white version. There is also a student answer sheet and an answer key.

In this product, we follow the idea that a number line is how many jumps x how far each = landing spot. So three large jumps of 5 spaces each is 3x5=15. The way to tell the difference between the multiplication cards and the division cards is the direction of the number line. Pointing to the right is multiplication, pointing to the left is division.

Included is also a link to a digital version for presenting these whole group on a screen/projector, or for paperless or virtual classrooms.

These task cards cover the Virginia Math SOL 3.4 The student will a) represent multiplication and division through 10 × 10, using a variety of approaches and models;

The will also cover the 2023 Virginia Math SOL 3.CE.2 The student will recall with automaticity multiplication and division facts through 10 × 10; and represent, solve, and justify solutions to single-step contextual problems using multiplication and division with whole numbers. a)Represent multiplication and division of whole numbers through 10 × 10, including in a contextual situation, using a variety of approaches and models (e.g., repeated addition/subtraction, equal-sized groups/sharing, arrays, equal jumps on a number line, using multiples to skip count).

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Resource Tags

math VA SOL multiplication division task cards

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