Number & Operations: Base-Ten & Place Value - MAC Software

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About This Product

Number & Operations: Base-Ten & Place Value - MAC Software

This teaching resource is a mini-chapter designed particularly to facilitate learners in comprehending complex mathematical concepts with ease. Specifically crafted for kids from preschool to second-grade levels.

Uniqueness of the software:

  • Pre-assessment tools: for gauging students' understanding before venturing into new topics.
  • An easily understandable lesson plan to assist your instructional strategy.
  • Inclusion of real-world word problems and timed exercise activities to help deepen your students’ understanding of these concepts.
  • Dynamic learning tools:
    • - Memory match games,
    • - Board games,- Spinner games, >
    For not only keeping learners engaged but also reinforcing their concept's comprehension.

The software offers English as the default language both in voice-over and text options. However, Spanish voice-over and texts options are also available. Making it possible for bilingual instruction!

The SMART response assessment feature included allows teachers or homeschoolers to track student progress over time; indicating the areas that might need more guidance or revision - a step towards personalized education!

All content is neatly packed inside one zip file intent made exclusively for MAC users ensuring smooth functionality across all provisions!

The versatility of this MAC resource makes it apt for implementing either one-on-one instructions when required but can equally be used effectively during small/large group sessions or even as homework assignments. In conclusion, The Number & Operations: Base-Ten & Place Value - MAC Software simplifies complicated math concepts into manageable bits — a significant aid in every teacher's instructional tool kit.

What's Included

1 zip file with MAC software

Resource Tags

operations base-ten place value digital math math lesson

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