Pre-Primer Sight Words Flashcards

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About This Product

Pre-Primer Sight Words Flashcards

These flashcards offer an interactive, fun-filled way to boost sight word awareness in phonics and literacy lessons. Focusing on Dolch Sight Words, these are designed in lowercase specifically for pre-primary students.

Detailed Features:

  • A5 size flashcards grouped in sets of four.
  • Each set targets a critical literacy aspect: word recognition, developing writing skills, reading exercises, and image association.
  • The complete Pre-Primary Sight Word list includes key words like 'a', 'and', 'away' among others.

To use these cards effectively - print the desired set(s), cut out the cards, then laminate for durability.

You can modify the usage based on class dynamics or individual learner preferences. They stand equally effective whether used for group learning or personal study sessions.


The inherent versatility within these Pre-Primer Sight Words Flashcards means they could be implemented differently—whether as a memory-enhancing matching game or as part of a reading and writing activity—the options are limitless. Print as many copies as needed to suit your classroom size or lesson plan needs.

Skill Development:

  • Vocabulary Expansion
  • Mental Agility Boost
  • Better Word Recognition Habits

Suitable Education Level:

Ideal from Kindergarten to Grade 2 levels but also useful up to Preschool scenarios. These fall under Language Arts subject with emphasis on Phonics subsubject category - truly serving well towards advancing language proficiency skills!

Delivered in PDF format to ensure utmost compatibility across devices and platforms hence further simplifying its use - taking you one step closer to creating an enriching teaching-learning environment inching towards diversified language literacy milestones!

What's Included

About this product

This product contains 4 sets of A5 size cards for pre-primary sight words, word recognition set, writing set, reading set, and picture set.

Pre-Primary Sight Words are as following: a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you

Resource Tags

sight words phonics literacy education flashcards vocabulary expansion

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