Preschool Through the Year: Activities for Building Core Knowledge
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Preschool Through the Year: Activities for Building Core Knowledge
A valuable teaching resource specifically designed for enriching the learning experience of preschool and kindergarten teachers. The primary function of this material is to enhance core knowledge systematically in young learners making their development an exciting journey.
Highlights:- An innovative range of activities covering color identification, numeral comprehension, direction following, reading fundamentals, and more
- Fingerplays that nurture children's fine motor skills
- Make-It-Yourself Books to promote authorship
Included Activities:
- Captivating dot-to-dots exercises developed not only for mathematical but also cognitive skills training
- Action rhymes that instigate comprehension of language playfully
- Patterns fostering visual recognition skills .
More features include:
"+clip art samples providing colorful reinforcements+"+"
What's Included
1 PDF with 128 ready to print pages
Resource Tags
colors activity
counting worksheets
core knowledge
following directions
preschool worksheets
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