Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 1 (PPT)

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Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Set 1


Reading comprehension lessons, especially written for Grade 6-7, providing the chance to read interesting and engaging passages.

Each lesson has a mix of questions to check understanding, a vocabulary or spelling activity to help remember key language introduced, and a writing exercise.

Full answer keys are provided.

Passages Include

1.American Bison: Find out more about North America's heaviest land animal.

2.Brown Bears: Featuring brown bears and Kodiak bears.

3.Elephant Seals: Fact: Elephant Seals spend 2 months a year on the beach!

4.Visayan Pigs: Punk rock pigs? Discover more about this endangered species.

5.Seahorses:Terrible swimmers but beautiful creatures all the same.

6.Pandas: Read about China's national symbol then write about America's.

7.Wolves: What does a wolf's howl mean? This article features that, and more!

8.Blue Jays: Can imitate other bird calls and feast on other birds' eggs!

9.Iceland: An amazing country, find out everything there is to know in this one.

10.Yogurt: Healthiest treat? Learn how yogurt is made & how it's good for us.

11.Karate: Who? How? When? Where? Did Karate all begin?

12.Clean Air: A longer article but the most important of subjects.

PPT Version

This is the PPT fillable (when not in presentation mode) and editable version. This download is available in GOOGLE Docs, GOOGLE Forms, GOOGLE Slides. PDF, PPT, WORD.


Grade 6/7 Links

Fiction Set 1

Google Docs

Google Forms

Google Slides




Guided Reading Materials

Fiction Set 2

Google Docs

Google Forms

Google Slides




Guided Reading Materials

Nonfiction Set 1

Google Docs

Google Forms

Google Slides




Guided Reading Materials

Nonfiction Set 2

Google Docs

Google Forms

Google Slides




Guided Reading Materials

Reading Passages Overview

Each passage is especially written for Grade 6/7 students, including key vocabulary required for this age group.

Topics are varied and are accompanied by colorful graphics. Topics are meant to educate, yet entertain the modern student.

The majority of these short stories contain an important message - a way of developing these young learners further.

Mixed Questions

The mixed questions section of each lesson includes a variation of five to six comprehension, vocabulary and Math questions. In addition, key reading strategies are frequently covered including cause & effect, summarizing, compare & contrast and making conclusions.

Mixed questions require a written response (no MCQ's), full answers and example responses appear at the end of the lesson.

Spelling & Vocab

Each reading passage contains a variety of words and phrases designed for Grade 6/7 students. Spelling and vocab activities provide the opportunity to build fluency with these words.

Activities provide clues to help assist students. Vocabulary activities include extra questions where students must write a synonym, an antonym or a sentence using a certain word.

Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are designed to continue the theme or lessons learned in the story.

Students are persuaded to write in a variety of ways and each prompt includes several cues to help.

The main focus in this product, is the student. Prompts will require the student to relate to past experiences and encourage them to discuss feelings and ways to improve.

Full Answer Keys

Full answer keys and sample responses are provided so no matter how busy you are, you know you're covered!

Mixed question answers provide evidence from the text, Math questions contain the relevant workings.

Answers are designed for use by the teacher, but also suitable as a handout to the student.

For More Like This

For similar downloads and other frees, do check out Cored Group on TeachSimple.

Resource Tags

elementary reading comprehension vocabulary answers ccss common core spelling writing passages

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