Scratch & Share Jamboard Get to Know You Activity
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About This Product
Scratch & Share Jamboard Get to Know You Activity is an informative and interactive resource for educators eager to kick off the school year with engaging introductions. Perfectly suited for all grades and subjects, this adaptable tool can be effortlessly integrated into Google Drive, making it particularly potent in remote learning environments.
- With six diverse slides, teachers can creatively tailor ice-breaking activities to suit their class dynamics.
- The activity encourages students to introduce themselves and learn about their peers in a fun, online format.
- The tool fosters relationships, contributing significantly towards a positive learning environment.
We believe everyone should have the chance to get comfortable with each other's interests, hobbies and experiences right from day one. The Scratch & Share approach promotes empathy among students leading toward harmonious interactions throughout the year.
It serves for:
- Whole group sessions: Can be employed when needing swift collection of general student data whilst maintaining control of classroom situations.
- Small group activities: Proves useful when personal introductions are required without overwhelming participants.
- Possible homework assignments: Excellent opportunity where learners alone or in pairs dive deeper into their peer's lives outside class hours. Having in mind teachers who may not be familiar with Google Drive tools such as Jamboards? We've included:
- An instructional video tutorial,
- A comprehensive step-by-step guide made especially for educators new at utilizing these unique tech tools in classrooms.
What's Included
1 PDF with 2 pages
Resource Tags
interactive resource
warm introductions
Google Drive integration
student engagement
collaborative learning
how to share jamboard with students
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